22 January 2012

Too Much Navel Gazing

The kittens make bathing both cute and impossible. Clem spends most of her time trying to catch, and eat, the bubbles. She also becomes inordinately angry with my toes peeking above the water line, and bats at them testily. Brekkie stands worriedly on the edge of the tub staring at me with his large, round eyes. He’s always uncomfortable when I’m near water. He becomes friendlier, and cries pitifully, like I’m going to drown and deprive him of all the attention he never wants when I’m not near water. He likes to be rubbed through the shower curtain. A full-body prophylactic is the only way he’ll tolerate the pets. They both swat my razor, taking turns sending it tumbling in to the soapy water. Both getting shaving cream on their noses and whiskers, which is adorable, and probably tastes just awful. Afterward, they both run to their kibble bowls and wolf down whatever is left, as if they had just finished something really exhausting, and need more fuel to make it through the rest of the day.

It has been ages since I shaved, and by that I mean probably two weeks. I’ve been so cold. The heat works sporadically, and seemingly never at all on the coldest mornings, and even when it is working just fine, I can’t shake the chill that is in my bones. I don’t know if it is my allergies, or how I’ve been on and off Georging for two weeks now, but I can’t seem to ever be warm enough to be able to shave without cutting off all my goosebumps first. Today at Target, I fingered lovingly some plushy blankets wondering if I should buy them, thinking that I cannot have too many blankets, can I? It was probably 75° outside when I was having that thought.

Lately, I feel so old. My conversations with Frijole are filled with the aches and pains of an old person. I swear I’m peri-menopausal, and I have a suspicion I brought this dreaded condition upon myself by getting fixed. There’s not a lot of literature on the correlation between tubal ligation and early onset menopause, but there’s enough to make me think that I am not making this shit up. The misery of George—how he weighs in my stomach, bloating my abdomen and making me feel like my uterus is trying to give birth to itself, but the blood just doesn’t appear. Then it suddenly will, flowing so fast and hard that I am exhausted and shaky; other times it trickles like something old and ancient visiting me from a long time ago, leaving me confused and demanding it to leave me alone already. There are the night sweats and fuzzy memory, like I’m back on my mood stabilizers, but I’m not! This just won’t do, but there it is. My old-lady problems.

Even my house sounds old. The clicking of the clocks in my living room and my bathroom ticking off the seconds ever so slightly out of synch with each other. It reminds me of dimly lit summer days spent indoors at various relatives’ houses of my youth. Time spinning out slowly as the dust motes drifted in the shaft of sun coming through barely parted blinds. Why were my relatives’ houses always so dark? My sister and I were the in-between generation—all our cousins ten years older or younger than us, leaving us to fiend for ourselves in musty spare rooms, sitting on polyester comforters watching Star Trek from the 60s, and listening to the clocks punctuating the silence. That’s how my house sounds to me. Even when I’m in bed with CSP, his strong arms around me, a hand cupping my hip, and I feel content even as my body is rebelling against me, I hear those damn clocks, and fret.

None of this is helped by my current reading material. A Visit From the Goon Squad is making me feel like I should keep looking behind me to see if I can make out the shadows of the ravages of time upon my body, my mind, my friends. Or, perhaps it was the mistake of going to see Shame last night. Though, my mind keeps skittering over the actual point of the movie, and landing on that huge cock of Michael Fassbender (who, shockingly, is two years younger than me—which is not helping me feel any younger, but the lines in his face do remind me that my face is aging slower than my stupid womb would suggest).

Oh, well, fuck it. I’m not alone, and there’s a lot to be said for that.

09 January 2012

In Desperate Need of Clean Sheets

Let’s talk about Tebow! Ha. Just kidding. I have zero interest in talking about some dude (with his amazing Roman god profile), who has an astonishing ability to drop to one knee whenever a camera suddenly swings his way. I did sit with CSP yesterday watching some football game while babysitting the sweetest little Siamese cat, Cricket. Sweet, that is, until you try to trim her nails. She’ll go straight to slitting your wrists, as CSP can attest to. As punishment, Cricket is being made to snuggle against me and watch World’s Strictest Parents. That’ll teach her.

Today was an unpleasant jolt back to reality. I’ve been on vacation. I had a wonderful time playing in San Francisco with Frijole and Fink-Nottle for a week, then spent a fantastic three days making out with CSP. It’s important that all of you know that.

The day I left for San Fran, the heat went out of my place, which wasn’t a huge deal since the weather was gorgeous in Austin while I was away (and damp and cold in SF). ET is holidaying at the ex’s, so there was no worry about his little cold-blooded self getting too chilly. When I got back I just used CSP as a blanket (heh heh). Of course all the good times had to end, and I was forced to get the repair guys out today. Which meant I had to leave work two hours early, and watch some very friendly but overweight dudes squeeze themselves in to the attic. They first had to witness the disgusting vomit that The Bear kindly left on my bed. One guy was totally puking in his hand as I was clearing out my closet so they could access the attic entrance. Thanks, dude, for judging me.

Ends up that there was a blown capacitor, and chances are it has been dying all summer. My electric-bill problems may be somewhat alleviated now. Maybe. I’m a bit miffed that I have gas, but my HVAC is electric, but I love my little cement–block home, so I don’t have any plans to move when my lease is up at the end of March. If I wasn’t so cheap, I’d totally crank that heat up to 85, and sit around pantsless tonight.

At work I had to deal with the mess Twit had made over the past seven work days. She came over to my desk, and blinked at me with her rodent eyes, and tried to explain why she was unable to open a document and do a “save as.” Life is very hard, very very hard. She’ll happily let you know how hard her life is. You’ll have to sit through a long jeremiad about her sad, pathetic life, and how we should all just be grateful that she comes to work, never mind the fact that she can’t actually work when at work. That is not the point! She’s at work, is that not good enough? Focus!

As to that puke on my bed, my handsome Bear has lymphoma of the kidneys and other internal organs. He’s not immediately dying, but he’s on the steep decline. I was prepared for the vet to tell me it was kidney failure, and he is in kidney failure, I just didn’t think it would be because of cancer.

Friday was the two-year anniversary of the Orange Lover’s death, and Whoopis just over a month ago. I’m completely devastated at the idea of losing a third cat in less than three years. There is hope that The Bear will respond well to a special canned-food diet (and that he gets to eat such tasty vittles pisses the kittens off to no end), but we won’t know until a couple months have passed to compare his blood-work results. I’m not going to put him through any extraordinary measures. It’s just not right for him. I cannot be argued out of this decision. What I did for the Orange Lover and Whoopis isn’t right for him. My plan is to spoil him until it is time to put him to sleep (or please, pretty damn please, he goes in his own sleep).

I did explain to the heating repair guys that the puke on the bed was due to The Bear having lymphoma. Sympathy points for the win!

Enough sadness. Enjoy some jellyfish from the California Academy of Sciences.


Then there are the haikubes that proved I am as immature as always, and probably need more adult supervision.


Saturday Clementine sat around being a sexually ambiguous hipster.

hipster clem