22 February 2012

The Benefits of Semen Recycling

I've been caught up in the ensnaring clutches of The United States of Tara. I swear I'll start writing again at some point.

If you feel you must have something to tide you over until I am back to writing my usual snarky commentary on my life, here's an IM exchange Blue and I had on her birthday last Friday. This is what we talk about when we are ostensibly working.

Grumples:           Ew. Is B contributing his semen?

Blue:      the reviews crack me up. Hmmm that's a great idea!

Grumples:           Just let me know which one is yours, so I can avoid it

Blue:      hahahahaha! this part of the review is my favorite
“It's a shame when semen is wasted by people just flushing it down the toilet or throw in the garbage. Throw it in the sauce!”

Grumples:           Should I scoop it out of my vagina? Is there a special spoon for semen recovery?

Blue:      hahahahaa! There should be!

Grumples:           I'm sure a teeny coke spoon will work. Where does one buy those?

Blue:      yes that would work. there may be a way to suction it out with a little hose

Grumples:           I don't think I'd like that

Blue:      into a little jar to keep above the stove. you could use your muscles to squeeze it out. Oh man, i want to write a review about semen recovery

Grumples:           Do it!

Blue:      Its a topic that has not been covered

Grumples:           And thus, really needs to be. I mean, I can always go for my post-sex pee and let it drip in to a cup. Might be hard to keep it from getting contaminated by my urine

Blue:      some people can recycle it from their asshole too. i don't think a little urine ever hurt anyone

Grumples:           So true, but they really better have douched/used an enema before sex if they plan on cooking with that semen later

Blue:      i agree. what about using it out of a condom?

Grumples:           Perfect!

Blue:      :) safe and delicious'

Grumples:           So true. It promotes safe sex and tasty semen dishes

Blue:      It also promotes recycling

Grumples:           Well, that might be a harder sell since no one recycles the condom

Blue:      that's true.... but it can be stored in the condom... just put a twist tie on the end
and throw it in the fridge

Grumples:           How long can the semen sit in the fridge and still be good? Perhaps it is best to freeze it if not using same days

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