04 August 2011

Fishsicle and Chinese Fortune Fish

It’s been one of those days where I’ve been in such a fantastic mood that I have to keep checking to see if it is Friday, because I just feel so wonderful.  And, to prove how awesome my mood is, I don’t even get upset when I discover it isn’t Friday at all!  I have no explanation for this mood, especially since my allergies have been so bad that I am experiencing pain when I move my jaw due to my Eustachian tubes being so swollen (enough with the close-your-mouth-already jokes!).  There’s a lot of snot, sneezing and itchy, red eyes to make me grumpy, but it’s so not working.  Ha ha.  Fuck you, allergies! 

Last night, Nauticalina and her brother came over to play Settlers of Catan.  I have never met her brother, and he’s a swell fellow.  He’s in the army, and seriously, that’s too bad, because I grew quite fond of him rather quickly, and I would like to see more of him around these parts, but no, he’ll be headed somewhere at some point, and who knows when I’ll see him again.  He took amazingly quick to Settlers (he’s a smarty pants just like his older sis), which was a relief because I have played with certain people who still don’t really get the game.  Not ol’ Powder (I didn’t come up with that, he provided it, but it’s pretty apt), he won game three (I won games one and two, and Nauticalina got all snippy with me, and I swear at no point was I being condescending as she claimed).  Then we watched that really rad episode of Doctor Who season two with the Face of Bo (you want to hear true DW nerds talk, listen to those two discuss the plot of an episode instead of just watching the damn show). 

Later, when I was all sound asleep, I got a text from CSP, and I tried multiple times to respond, but I was too tired, and kept drifting off with phone in hand, only to wake up later with my fingers cramped and numb clutching the phone.  I finally was able to shoot a reply off at 5:30a; however, when I read what I wrote at 7a, I had a good laugh.  Oh auto-correct and sleepy-time texting!  All I’m going to tell you is that if you are half-asleep, and trying to write the word “goodnight,” it may come out as “goosing.” 

While at work, I made plans to see my dear friend Hepburn (I may have called her different things over the years, but every time I think of her name, I think of a discussion from long ago about how to pronounce her name, and I remember trying to do a throaty Hepburn impression of it) who has been missing from my life for several months now.  She’s going to come over and sweat her tits off in my concrete block of color.  She promises to bring beverages.  ERCOT is threatening rolling brownouts, so maybe I will convince her to strip down, and go pantsless for the environment—she may have to since I just set the thermostat on 90°.  She’ll be here any minute now.

When I walked through my gate (noting how dried-out the morning glories looked even though I’ve been watering them nightly), there was a package on my stoop.  Ivy Vyne has been promising some prezzies, and boy did she deliver.

Check this out:


Fishsicle and Chinese Fortune Fish pillows!  I have such awesomely creative friends. 

That look of worry on Brekkie’s face is not over the pillows, but rather he heard a rumor he is getting his balls chopped off on Saturday.  It’s totally true.  Shhh! 

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