31 August 2011

How To Pitch Perfect Woo

My man rescues baby squirrels!  That’s right, BABY SQUIRRELS!  Okay, so far he has only rescued one, but add that to the wee little baby Clementine he rescued back there in April, I think we can all agree that he is a fucking hero, and he’s all mine.  Hands off ladies!


Look how teeny and adorable it is?  You’re probably peeing yourself right now, and I totally understand.  I held it, after all.  But wait, it gets cuter!

baby squirrel blog 2

It kept covering its itty-bitty nose with its tail.  I got to hold that cuteness!  In my hands!  CSP wouldn’t let me put it in my mouth, which I guess makes sense...I guess.  I would call him a cold, heartless bastard if he hadn’t shown up at work with a baby squirrel in his shirt pocket.  Yes, his shirt pocket! I was running late for a stupid meeting, so I was unable to hatch an elaborate plan to abscond with the squirrel, and I had to let CSP leave to take it to a wildlife-rescue organization.

If that wasn’t awesome enough, CSP is coming over tonight, and on his way he is swinging by the grocery store and getting us food.  People, this man brings me a baby squirrel and food.  Swoon.

1 comment:

Meg McLynn said...

I truly don't know how you managed to keep that little guy out of your mouth.