22 November 2011

Where To Find 100%-Organic, Locally Grown Hookers in Austin

While dragging my feet to avoid heading to the grocery store, Wikus and I had the following exchange:

Grumples: i offered to pick some hookers up at the store for him (CSP)

Grumples: he has not replied

Wikus: You should probably leave the hookers at the store then.

Grumples: guess so

Grumples: also, i'm pretty sure the HEB only sells dead hookers

Grumples: i don't think he wants those

Grumples: you have to go to Whole Foods for live ones

Wikus: Are they near the lobsters?

Wikus: Do they have lobster hookers?!

Grumples: should i call and ask? do i ask for the seafood department or the hooker dept?

Wikus: There are probably more perverts in Seafoods; I'd ask them.

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