04 December 2011

Hippo Glass Will Kick Your Gorilla Glass’ Ass

It’s been a rainy and cold weekend, which means I spent entirely way too much time in bed, and not enough time working on my various projects.  However, Wikus and I did finish this year’s Chicken Day card.  He changed up the theme—moving away from the samurai chicken, and toward something that I’m sure most people won’t get (I certainly didn’t, but hey, he’s the designer, I’m just the nonpaid help).  If you’re interested in a card, send me your address.  As always, it’s a limited edition. 

I’m working on a top-secret Chicken Day project for CSP.  I’ve been high-fiving myself constantly since I was struck by my brilliant idea.  And I’ve had some good ones, but this one, oh man, I’m so damn jealous that I am giving it to him, and I don’t get to keep it.  I have two weeks to make this happen, so this dreary weather needs to fuck off already.

The boys here at CSP’s are talking about their fantasy football teams.  And there’s football on the television.  BBQ pizza has been ordered, and I’m the only sober person in the room.  The three dogs are all probably high.  I’m not sure how this ended up being my life on Sunday nights, but so it goes.  I’m not complaining, I’m just a bit puzzled how I could have avoided this most of my life, but here I am now.  When did I turn in to a jock-loving sorority girl?

Contrast this with my afternoon of assembling handmade cards, writing a haiku, and debating with Wikus why people have such intense anger toward bicyclists (sparked by this article’s commentators).  If you want to poke Wikus with a stick, just say something negative about a bicyclist in your way when you’re driving.  He’s primed and ready to punch you in the nuts over that one.  Considering how he has spent much of his life getting places on his bike in cities such as Boston, San Diego and Austin, he knows what it’s like to ride alongside some very violent, disgruntled drivers.  I fret for his safety all the time.  Whereas, sitting on this hideous turquoise couch at CSP’s, there’s not much to fret about or debate.  I’m sure going to enjoy the hell out of that pizza, though.

Will someone please explain to me what the heck Gorilla Glass is?  Sure, I read the Wikipedia entry, by why gorilla?  A hippo is so much more fucking tough.  CSP just claimed that hippos are more goofy looking, and not as majestic and tough-looking as gorillas.  Yes, that really explains it all.  I bet it’s the alliteration, and that people still don’t understand how savage cute hippos really are.  It really should be Hippo Glass, dammit.

Even a rhino with its double-horn threat knows not to fuck with a hippo:

I just feel Corning should have done some more research, that’s all. 

Also, CSP is suddenly winning his fantasy football game.  THANK GOD!

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