14 November 2010

Can't Smell It, Won't Eat It

Whoopis is still not doing well.  His eye got better, but his infection is lingering, and he still isn't eating.  It is so distressing for all of us.  Multiple times a day we drag him out from under the bed to force various fluids in to him.  It is horrible.  He acts like he wants to eat, and cries like he is hungry, but simply will not go through with the act of eating.  I think he probably can't smell, and therefore won't eat anything because he can't smell to determine if it is edible.  He will drink a bit of water, but not enough.  Thus The Boy has to stick an IV in to Whoopis' back and have me squeeze fluid in to him.  As terrible as that is, it is way easier to do that then force his mouth open and shoot liquid down his gullet.  I'm not sure how much longer I can make the little guy go through this.

In other news, I just cleaned out the fridge.  I removed SIX packages of deliquesced vegetable matter (spinach, collard greens, etc.).  There was a bag of coffee that had been lurking in the back of the fridge for almost a year.  The Boy always insists that he will use something, but then it goes and  lives behind the front row of items, and it lingers until I come through and evict it.  The Boy just came home with groceries (yay, food!).  We'll see how much of it actually gets used.

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