15 November 2010

Fatty Lumpkins Nom Noms

Yes, Whoopis ate some food!  He started last night--I heard some nomming of the kitten kibble, and it wasn't the kittens eating it.  My little Chirpy Bird was shaking that food dead and actually ingesting a bit of it.  We're so proud of him.  He hasn't eaten a whole lot today, so more IV fluids and forced feedings.  We're going to start a decongestant for him (we can't give him too many medications at once due to his diabetes and how that affects his kidneys).  So it goes.

Wikus helped me draw out a fantastic mosaicing idea for a special someone for Chicken Day.  I am so excited to get started, but my allergies are so terrible that I fear I should not go in to the garage tonight.  It's a very simple project, so it won't take long to do (but may actually be my best design yet).  Since it is a prezzie, I won't be able to share it until after Chicken Day.  Just know I am constantly pissing myself with excitement.  I taped the design to my wall at work this morning, and it has garnered laughs (probably more of confusion than actual merriment, but I'll take what I can get).

NUTTY BARS!  A very nice gift from The Boy.  Yum.  This has been an awesome day for food; though, my body (specifically my heart and intestines) may disagree.  Barbecue, pizza and Nutty Bars.  I tried a banana, but it was actually not remotely ripe, and I had to spit the only bite in the trashcan (I felt like I had poured chalk dust in my mouth).  I cleansed my palate with three grape tomatoes.  Obviously that means I have a full serving on fruit, right?

I am sucking back some serious snot.  It is wholly unpleasant, which means I will make it just as unpleasant for all of you.

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