13 April 2011

Don't Stumble

Because people keep stumbling over this by accident, like I left my foot out in a busy aisle in the dark, The Boy and I are no longer together.  This isn't something up for discussion.  There were philosophical differences that could not be overcome.  It hurts.  It hurts a lot.  I cry, and sometimes I laugh.  I'm letting go of my identity, and am sitting here feeling lucky and happy to have such wonderful friends.  You know who you are.  I feel like I owe you the first born I'll never have.  You have made my life so much easier.  Thank you Frijole, The Amazon, C&L, CSP, Wikus, Fink-Nottle, Meggles, Guamaniac, Nauticalina, and all the rest of you. 

In other news, I got to play with a teeny tiny kitten today.  She was found on the grounds where CSP works.  I could not pass up a chance to squish a little kitten against my bosom.  I managed to walk away without taking her home.  It was hard, and I'll forever hate CSP for telling me about her existence, but The Bear is adjusting to his new home, and is so happy without Mattress and the bratty kittens (The Boy has them, and I have The Bear and ET) that it would just be wrong of me to disrupt his life yet again.  I want to call CSP right now and tell him he's a jerk, because I'm a bit tipsy, and dammit, I want a teeny tiny kitten to squish to my bosom.  Jackass.


RFS said...

Ain't nothin', but nothin', a teeny-tiny-kitten-squish-to-bosom can't fix.

Sending kitten-squish vibes your way. :-)

(Squish Kitty. That's my next girl band.)

Grumples said...

Please say I can be in your girl band.

Meg McLynn said...

squish sqiush squish squish squish squish. squish.

RFS said...

"I can be in your girl band."