25 January 2011

A Heart-Warming Story of a Tortoise's Healthy Innards & the Humans and Cats Who Made It Possible

Once upon a time there was a little tortoise with large stones in his bladder and a blocked intestinal track. He didn't eat for months, and had to be force-fed with a tube, and hydrated with a fatty needle.  His innards were sad.

Then he took a visit to Houston and had a window cut out of his plastron to remove all the bad stuff.  His mother spent tons of money on the surgery, and his father on all the doctor visits, tests and medicines.  It was pretty touch-and-go, and there was little guarantee he would make it.  There were a lot of fingers crossed for some good solid poos.

It took one week, but he made his parents proud.

It took awhile before he wanted to eat with relish. He refused to ingest what was good for him--insisting that starving was better than eating hay.  His mother had to find a way to trick him in to eating his fiber (his mother being a person who hates being in the kitchen).  She got crafty and used a food processor to disguise the hay in tons of Romaine lettuce.  Sucker.

Then he fell in love with carrots.

The Bear was recruited to make sure ET ate a well-balanced meal.

The kittens were recruited to make sure that the heat lamp and UV light were always working.

Mattress refused to do anything beside looking really cute.

In the late fall, he enjoyed sunning himself in clumps of weeds.

Then came Take Your Reptile to Work Day, and ET visited his mom's work, and fought over who got to snuggle with the space heater (he won).

Take Your Reptile to Work Day just happened to coincide with a vet appointment.  Just a visit to make sure he was doing okay eight months after his surgery.  I guess you can say he is doing fantastic!

He has been given a 100% clean bill of health.  Only a few internal staples left, and not a single blockage.  Hooray ET!  May he live happily ever after for the next 65 years or so.


RFS said...

Yay!! Happy turtle baby!! Whoohoo!!! :-)

The Boy said...

"It took awhile before he wanted to eat with relish." Who could blame him? Relish is gross.