25 February 2011

Did We Win While I Wasn't Looking?

Despite having some serious misanthropic tendencies, I am a fierce believer in human rights.  While I may tell everyone to shut the fuck up and die out of one side of my mouth, I will turn around and help people even if it means hurting my own self in the process.  A long time ago, Wikus advised that I should probably stop taking care of everyone else, and start taking care of myself.  I'm a mother hen without the peeps.  I may not want to actually have to deal with people, but I am thoroughly invested in making sure people are treated equitably.  It seems so simple to me.  Yet, obviously, it isn't.

Yesterday, I let myself get very annoyed by some anti-union sentiments on FB.  This emotional tangle of nerves I have been in for the past months made me want to knock some heads together.  Which is not exactly an appropriate response, except it does seem like the easiest thing to do.  It is easy to dis on unions, and I think even easier for people my age who have never had to work a hazardous, back-breaking job.  Jobs where you are easily replaceable by someone else who is desperate and willing to put his/her life literally on the line.  Or work a job where you are responsible for the actual well-being of other humans (like teachers).  In every job, there is a bottom line, a profit margin that must be met, and quite often, that is at the expense of the workers. 

This is so frustrating to me--I don't even want to be writing this.  It is so innate to me.  I am having a hard time believing there is even a need to write this.  If we don't fight for our rights, we won't have any.  Whether that be at work, reproductive rights (and shit, reproductive health for fuck's sake), sexuality, race, religion, you fucking name it.  Sure, you can say unions are not relevant today, but can that possibly be true?  Is there really nothing else to fight for?  Did we win when I wasn't looking?  Has sexual harassment been eliminated?  Do all employers gladly provide affordable health insurance and contribute to retirement funds?  Are employees no longer encouraged to work more for less money?  Is there a clear path for advancement whether it be through promotion or education?  Are we all as employer and employee invested in doing what is best for the company and the individual?  Can we answer yes to all those questions?  Hell no. 

There's this idea that if you don't like your job, you don't like your boss, you don't like how you are being treated at work, you can feel free to go find a different job.  Sure, yes, that is true, but why is that an acceptable attitude?  It makes me vomit on myself a bit.  No need to hold an employer accountable, just find a different job!  Oh, you were abused as a worker?  Stop your bitching, find another job!  Never mind the fact that finding a new job is next to impossible these days, why would you ever accept any individual or group degrading you in some way?  In general, if I am feeling used, I don't walk away from it. 

Complacency is evil.  Please stand up for what you deserve as a human, as a person, even if you aren't in a union (I'm not), appreciate what they have fought for and what they still are fighting for.  Employers only make concessions because we not only asked for rights, but we have demanded them.  We are not dollars, and should not be treated as if that is all we have to contribute in life. 

Now, don't make me go knock your naive, stupid heads together.  Educate yourself.  Talk to people who work in a service industry of some type.  Talk to the public and private sectors.  See if you can shadow someone on a job to really understand what his/her day is like (like a treatment plant worker or an EMT).  Perhaps read some federal laws to understand that some basic assumptions you probably have are not mandated--for instance, there is no federal law that employers have to provide rest breaks.  It is left up to the states to decide if they want to pass those sort of employee-right laws.  Guess what?  Texas doesn't give a fuck if you don't get a break.  If you are a little crabby that your employer doesn't let you take a lunch during an 8-hour period, and you work in Texas, you have zero recourse.  But oh, right, you can just get another job.  I forgot.


R said...

Fuck, yeah! Whooooo!!!! (ovation!!!!)

Jenny Monahan said...

And Unions prevent asshole corporations from doing such lovable things as taking away contractually agreed upon pensions from retirees...they really try to do that shit to older folks that cant even work anymore and put in a lifetime with the company all for a frigging pension!! They are dirty mofos!! Satan in the form of a skyrise!