23 February 2011

Wanted: One New Liver

Hello there, did you miss me?  I've certainly missed all of you--there's something about the combination of being on vacation, stuck on a plane, and reading a short-story anthology that makes me really want to start writing again.  Serious writing.  Short-story writing.  Yet, because that combination rarely happens, I don't see me sitting down and doing it.  I had so many great thoughts on the plane yesterday, but they are lost to my exhausted Swiss-cheese brain.  I swear I should just go back on my meds for all the good my brain is doing me off of them.  Blogging will just have to suffice.

At some point I'll detail my vacation, but I just can't right now.  I am so damn tired.  My liver hates me.  I'm pretty sure he has packed his bags and is going to move out no matter how much I beg him not to.  He's muttering something fierce about booze and fatty foods.  I must take some care of myself and get some quality sleep.  First some Grey's Anatomy, though, you know, to dull the senses.  Then maybe America's Next Top Model to really really make sure.  It is The Boy's birthday, so I can't become too desensitized.  He's not going to want to watch those shows...or any shows for that matter.  There are birthday expectations!

To give a taste of my vacation, here are some pics: