07 February 2011

Wintry Rant Number Two

So, where was I? Bitching about Texans and wintry weather?  Why yes, yes I was, and I am going to do a bit more of it. 

After that TERRIFYING three-quarters of an inch of snow on Friday that closed down the city and left the majority of town driving 25mph on completely dry roads, the weekend was beautiful--sunny and in the 70s.  So amazing.  But of course another coldfront is on its way--I haven't received any notice if it is another ACF (tm)--and the good, moronic fucktards of this town, who spend an excessive portion of the year whining that Texas doesn't have seasons, and oh my, wouldn't it be most excellent if it snowed, are asking me to cancel my quarterly meeting on Wednesday because there is a 50% chance of sleet.  Never mind the fact that there is no way a single bit of frozen precipitation could possibly stick to the ground.  White stuff is going to fall from the sky...again!  How will we survive?  Shouldn't I be at the grocery store right this very second buying water and band-aids and Spaghetti-O's? 

Of course I hate that it is cold, and have taken to lazing in a hot bath every night instead of making love to the couch.  Okay, sure, I took a bath when it was warm out, too, but I blame Nauticalina and Bath Junkie.  Who doesn't want to luxuriate in cotton-candy smells?  Therefore, I don't plan on stopping this behavior any time soon. 

This afternoon, I was buying a small bag of very expensive catfood at one of those cute family-owned pet stores where they go out of their way to look as anti-big box store as possible by employing a general sense of disarray and rustic charm.  They also let a few animals freely roam, and sass you in a bossy-yet-pleasant way.  A green parrot was hanging out on the counter. He tried to steal my pen as I signed the credit-card slip.  It was really odd to have this bright green bird within inches of my hand.  I could have grabbed that little dude.  It was a bit unnerving--I realized that most of us are so used to birds flying away any time we get within feet of them, to have a bird not only stay put, but get closer and tried to take something I was holding, was a bit surreal.  And I really did want to grab it, but felt that was unwise.  So I walked away and admired a Maine coon kitten, while an extremely obese tuxedo cat demanded food.  Sadly, I have no picture of the parrot.  I apologize.

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