30 September 2009


A couple of months ago, I was in the office bathroom, where I had successfully managed to poop alone (a rare feat on this floor, since we are one of the entrances to the parking garage). Since I was heading out to the creek for lunch, I had a book with me ("Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders" by Neil Gaiman), which I had placed on a chair (I have never seen this chair in use, but am assuming it is there so women can pump their tits in semi-privacy). As I was washing my hands, an elderly black woman came in, and said "hello" to me, then inquired what I was reading. Neil Gaiman wasn't something I thought I could explain to her, but she was right there with me. She totally understood, and obviously was quite well-read. I immediately felt guilty for my assumptions (which were more based on that she worked in this building, because hey, I would expect someone to have the same assumptions about me when I say I work here). We then started a lengthy conversation involving Toni Morrison (we talked of our love of "Song of Solomon" and how it is one of those books that proves to you that words really can change your life). She immediately said she was going to let me borrow some of her Toni Morrison books I hadn't read, and she was totally serious. Showed up at my desk early the next morning. Who knew a senior citizen would totally like me just based on my love of literature? Crazy!

The point of this story is totally coming up, so pay attention. She was one of the recipients of my series of Xerox emails, and this is what she wrote to me yesterday (including my response):

From: Awesome Coworker
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:00 PM
To: Grumples
Subject: RE: Xerox

A sense of humor is a “must have” to live a full complete life; yours is grand.

From: Grumples
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:17 PM
To: Awesome Coworker
Subject: RE: Xerox

Why thank you, ma’am! Levity is really the only thing that gets me through the day. (Redacted) came in to tell me that I should be a writer, and it was with great pleasure that I got to tell him my BFA is in writing, literature and publishing. I may have not done anything with my degree, but at least being able to still write well enough to amuse my coworkers is gratifying.

From: Awesome Coworker
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:35 PM
To: Grumples
Subject: RE: Xerox

Funny, the first day I saw you; you put me in mind of a southern writer. I almost saw moss covered trees, a big veranda, a white sundress, big hat, bare feet and an iced lemonade laced with Jack Daniels; intelligent enough to carry a hat; pure enough to wear white, naughty enough to lace your lemonade. That’s what made me say, hello.

Glad to know I wasn’t too far from the truth.

Can you just hear me squealing with embarrassment and pride? It has been a long time since someone has said something so kind to me (nice eyelashes and butt withstanding). To have someone envision me like this is beyond amazing. Especially since I eat Flannery O'Connor and Katherine Anne Porter and Kate Chopin like little fancy pastries. There's a sassy redhead out there whom I know would be just as thrilled with this characterization of me. I don't know if she is reading this blog, but if she is, I wish we could totally live out this dream together!


mrw said...

Yeah. When I think of you, I also think "pure enough to wear white".

Meg McLynn said...

i just fell in love with your coworker. Pure enough to wear white, indeed!!

Grumples said...

I love wearing white. I'm nothing but the purest angel walking this earth. I have no idea what MRW is implying. Meg, we would have the best time with this coworker--I'm willing to bet she sings gospel, too. We could read books and you two can sing. It would be so much fun.