16 September 2009

Lincoln's Formative Years

When exactly did the back of the penny change? I parked the car this afternoon and found myself looking at the cup holder cum change holder, and the sun was shining directly on this penny. I thought it was Canadian or something. I mean, it is just a dude sitting on a log reading. Like he is waiting for his bowels to start moving. I brought it inside to show The Boy, and he was just as surprised. He didn't think it was a penny at first either. Honestly, I don't really use cash anymore. It's bulky and I spend too much of it at once. The only reason I even carry cash is for parking garages (Texas: Parking-Lot Wasteland). When I looked up this baffling turn of penny events, it seems I actually have the second in a series. A series of Mr. Abe Lincoln, even though only the 2nd and 3rd designs show the man (there are no releasing of slaves anywhere to be found).

I would like to have the one of his log cabin. That's pretty amusing for currency. Though, the penny is about as accurate as one can get when looking at that dilapidated mess. Then there's the good ol' Abe-Pondering-His-Bowels one. I fell asleep during his professional life in Illinois and watched America's Next Top Model. The last one might as well be an old penny for all it does for me. Look! White House, whoooooooooooa. Quick a diaper, I peed myself with excitement.

So tired now. Must go to bed.

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