13 May 2010

The Best Four Poops I've Ever Had the Joy to See

Look at my newest bits of pride and joy.  Some nice dark lumps of poo.  When I took this picture, he actually was working out a fourth poo.  The Boy had left him in his Tupperware square to bathe in the sun, and he came out and discovered these poos (which he later dumped out on our little cement slab).  He immediately called me and caught me at the tail-end of a meeting.  After much hooting and squeals of glee, I had to explain to the two people left lingering what the hell made my normally grumpy self so excited.  Yes, POOP!

I demanded that The Boy leave the poos for me to document.  ET is next to them for size reference.  Those chunks of poo were stuck in him for who the fuck knows how long.  The funny thing (to me) was they didn't really smell like I thought they would.  I assumed they'd be extremely fetid, but they smelled kind of antiseptic with a floral note. 

ET went to the vet yesterday and today (The Boy deserves some hot action for all these ET-related trips, when his big choral show is this weekend), and was man-handled in to some forced feeding.  The good news was he struggled against their administrations--he had his strength back!  Good sign.  But where the fuck was his motherfucking poop already?  I was totally in despair mode.  Today it took three people to get ET to comply with our demands of hydration. 

What a relief for all of us, especially him, that he finally worked something out of his poor constipated intestines.  Yay poop!  NO REALLY.  Yay poop!  I take him in to the vet Saturday for more forced feeding, and to drop off ET's poo for testing.  It is my hope that I will be told to take him home and give him tons of food and a nice bath.  It must be so yucky for him to have not bathed in over a week.  Especially after being in hospital.  Now, next step: outdoor paradise for him.


My mind has been consumed with ET over the past 10 days, and it will be nice to actually notice the world around me again.  I'm going to start this by watching yesterday's America's Next Top Model.  There may be more high-brow things to immerse myself in, but I find it very important to acclimate to my surroundings slowly.  A learned this from ET.  He is the smartest tortoise ever.

Twit update: She came to work with the twitaby and asked if she could come back part-time.  My boss said very politely to fuck off.  It is full-time or nothing.  Luckily, I missed all of this because I was 10 miles away in some seriously lame training.  My Urban Race Coworker emailed the news to me, and I verified it with my boss during our afternoon meeting.  I also asked if someone had relayed to Twit to fucking unlock the shared spreadsheets so I can fix her broken formulas, and actually add formulas where she didn't bother.  It's really nice how I am supposed to run these data reports for her whiles she's on leave when the data can't be entered.  If I hear the excuse "Well, she was pregnant and pretty tired there at the end," I'm going to punch Twit in the face and gladly take the assault charges.

Tomorrow I'll find out if she was able to do such a small task or not.  We'll see.


glady said...

That is some great-looking poo.

I wonder if I'll ever have cause to say that again?

The Boy said...

Amen to the parenthetical clause in paragraph 3.
RE the twit/boss slap-down: whoa!

Grumples said...

There has to be at least one more time in your future that you will compliment some turds. Has to be.