27 May 2010

After Cleaning Spree, Lists Are All I Can Manage

Five things that made yesterday such an awesome day:

  • Only being subjected to Twit's presence for 75 minutes.
  • Playing with a teeny 7-week-old Siamese kitten.
  • The Boy bringing me a surprise lunch of conchinita pibil pork taco.
  • My last day of being in the office for a week.
  • My new Fluevog booties arrived!

Other good news: ET continues pooping.  Bad news: He's still blocked and we must keep taking him to the vet for his nutritional liquid diet. 

The cutest thing in the world: Every time The Boy gives Whoopis his insulin shoot, he immediately follows it up with a kiss at the injection site.  Doesn't that just make you go, "Awwwwwww," then puke in your hand just the tiniest bit?

Something The Boy is remarkably good at that I am not: Putting the damn duvet cover on the down blanket (that yes we are still using even though it has been 90 degrees for at least a week now).  How does he do it so effortlessly?  He says it is because he has a degree in Awesomeness.  I demanded to see the diploma.  He didn't come through with it...yet.

Funny thing about The Boy and that damn duvet cover: He can never remember that it is called a "duvet" and always looks puzzled when I refer to it (which is not often, but still, why does he not know and why has he not learned?).

The best thing about today: Ivy Vyne will be here in 1.5 hours!  Flying in from Boston, and I am going to subject her to all sorts of slackery.  If all goes well, we'll be tubing the Comal River tomorrow and doing our best to not turn our uber-pale skin in to a red, blistery mess.

Hooray vacation!  If you don't seem me around much over the next five days, you'll know why.  I'm drunk and having seizures because the fun will be just that intense.

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