10 November 2010

Things Are Not Good

Things are not good.  They started out good in that I finished my mosaic (my absence from here was due to spending every last damn moment I could in the garage toiling away at the damn thing).  Then things went bad.  Whoopis is very sick, and we're waiting for the vet to come see him.  I am very worried this is it for my little guy.  He's having problems breathing and seems to have gone suddenly blind in one eye.  And he's drooling a foul brickish-colored mucousy substance.  Please say it is not blood and just weird cat snot, and that he has a cold.  I don't even care if he loses the eye.  Just let my baby be okay.

Oh, I also have a pain in my right side.  I woke up with it yesterday and it has not gone away.  It is not near my navel, and I refuse to think it is appendicitis.  I take high dosages of iron, and seriously hope it is just constipation.  It is not acute.  It more like a menstrual cramp that doesn't go away.  Like someone is lightly squeezing an ovary.  Nothing to make me scream, but hard enough for me to say "cut it out."  I am horrified at the thought of going to the doctor to find out I just need to take a huge shit.

I would hate for The Boy to have to deal with me having surgery and with Whoopis dying.  I'd hate it, too, but at least I would be knocked out for some of it.

For now, I'm just going to sit here on the couch and watch Whoopis breathe and gurgle. 

1 comment:

Dan said...

Sending good thoughts your way.