10 May 2011

Going It Without a Sticky Note

My hips hurt something terrible.  A few years ago, when I was unemployed and spent a large chunk of my time sitting on the futon that passed for The Boy’s couch (he needs a new name, since he isn’t The anymore but now simply a the, but it is uncharitable to call him The Ex or even the Ex, thus he should probably be something simpler, less heavy with capitalization meaning), and all that couch-sitting made my hips ache with a dull fever of pain.  This is a different type of hurt, and really, I think I just need an ass massage.  I’m not going to even bother asking if I have any takers—I know where that conversation will go.  All the crying due to rejection would just plum wear me out.  All the same, I would really enjoy a good deep tissue massage of my butt, and then a really good nap.  What happens between those two things is open for negotiation.


clem iphone pillow

The good news: Clem tested negative for all those terrible kitty diseases.

The bad news: She still isn’t mine.


I had such a fantastic day.  It was heavy on Clem and CSP, and culminated in Echo & the Bunnymen with CSP, Wikus, Blue and Nauticalina.  I was surrounded by some of my favorite people, and I was happy.  Shit damn I was happy.  And that just feels damn good to say.


safe driver

CSP and I parked at City Hall for the Bunnymen show, and the car next to us had this sticky note taped to the steering wheel:

BE SAFE            






This is a white moth.  He has a furry head.  He was hanging out on my front door frame.

pink door

Having my own place means I can come home from work and paint the interior front door pink.  Take that!

Need more proof that I am happy?  This afternoon I was disappointed by someone, a small thing, a let-down, but I took it in stride.  I stuck to my original plan: I made short ribs and hung out on the couch.  I just did it alone, and honestly, I didn’t find it all that bad.


Unknown said...

That pink door looks way, way rad.

RFS said...

Indeed. The Pink Door. I love that. It's really quite suggestive, actually, when you think about it. And it makes a great club name.

Or maybe that's the name of my next girl band...

Grumples said...

Excellent idea, RFS. I hope you have a girl-band name list going. One day, we'll actually have to start the band instead of just having a names for all the bands. Can we have leather motorcycle jackets with "The Pink Door" silk-screened across the back? Seriously.