24 August 2010

Vertical or Horizontal? Both Please!

Hormones!  Raging fucking hormones.  Who knew I still had them in me?  As acknowledged last week, getting sterilized had made me break out a bit.  I connected those dots.  However I did not connect all the other ones in--it's like I thought connecting two dots made a whole picture.  How dumb of me!

These past couple of weeks have been very trying on me.  I felt like a horny teenager ready to throw myself on any thing that walked and talked.  Okay, I would have accepted mutes.  I suddenly understood how Whoopis' sister felt when she was on heat--with her ass stuck up on the air all the time, practically yelling at us that she was open for business, and dammit if we weren't going to satisfy her, she'd just jump out of a two-story window if that is what it took to get some action.  We got her fixed good and proper before she actually harmed herself.  I've only been slightly fixed.  My uterus and ovaries are still intact, and obviously functioning just fine.  Apparently my hormones haven't been given the message that my reproductive organs have closed shop and moved to a tropical island where kids are not allowed.  My hormones have been practically lighting up signs in my brain that say, go crazy wild, fuck a lot, make a baby happen already!  You're getting old, need sperm posthaste. 

Am I going to go through this every month?  I won't be able to keep myself from making out with all vertical and horizontal surfaces.  Thanks hormones for making a crazy lady in to a dirty crazy lady.  I'm sure The Boy and my friends will still love me.  They are wonderful like that and don't seem to mind when I'm humping their legs.

Thanks everyone!

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