14 December 2010


Twit is back to full-time this week.  I saw an email to our boss from yesterday that said she (Twit) would get with me about taking back some of her job duties.  Seems she is not actually in a hurry to do that, though.  I haven't heard nary a word from her.  I wonder how she will fill up her first 40-hour week in six months.  Maybe she'll just play a lot of Angry Birds like I do.

CSP graciously invited me to happy hour with his friends, and I spent a pleasant evening in their company.  Two bites of spinach dip and many glasses of water later, I am hunting for some dinner, but don't think I'll find anything substantial.  We have not been to the grocery store for a proper shopping trip in ages, thus food is a bit scarce, but I'm too cheap (and lazy) to find myself a proper supper.  The Boy and I did share a sesame-seed bagel.  Tomorrow I have to go to the store.  I felt pressured in to bringing something to my work floor's holiday party.  Due to my generosity, everyone will be able to have a beverage with their green-bean casserole and turkey and mashed potatoes.

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