31 March 2011


This morning, as I was driving on the upper deck of I-35 on my way to my miserable, dumb job, and there was a hot-air balloon floating over campus.  It was a gorgeous morning to be up in a balloon (other than the whole idea completely freaks me out, and has me trembling in a small corner of my mind--I can still appreciate that it was probably beautiful up there), and the traffic was slowing to stare at it.  Then a V of ducks flew past it.  It's hard to take photos of the sky with your phone while driving.  I know, I tried, and failed.  Sorry.  It was a really cool moment, I promise.

Things have been so complicated lately, and I've been reticent to write about them.  There are people I need to personally talk to first, and most I have, but it just feels not quite right to write everything down here for everyone to read.  Thus, I've been avoiding my blog, which is rude, I apologize.  Yet, I don't think there's any help for it right now.  I must remain vague and rush off, over there, and do that thing that I am not talking about.  Or I'm just blowing you off so I can go to sleep.  That may be true, too.  Either way, please don't give up on me, I promise I'll be back soon.

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