26 March 2011

On Adele and Grey's Anatomy

Last night I was catching up on Grey's Anatomy (judge as you will), and they used this Adele song that I absolutely adore (Someone Like You).  It was a really odd choice, and I'm still thinking about it.  I'm not going to pain all of you by rehashing the plot points on Grey's, but the song is about still loving someone who has moved on, and the bittersweetness of it all--missing the person, having those secret hopes that the person still loves you, and being happy that the person is happy in his/her new life.  The song was being played over scenes of couples still in love and together.  So damn odd. 

Now, what I did appreciate during the song, was how something awful finally happened to characters who are talking and looking at each other while ostensibly driving.  Did they do that on purpose?  A kind of meta joke about how shows always have characters staring deeply in to each other eyes for long seconds, impossibly long seconds, while driving?  Of course it was beyond obvious that something was going to happen to these characters, and a car crash (oh, SPOILER ALERT) was par for the course; but, seriously, it was kind of awesome that it was during the long stare-and-still-capably-drive moment.  I laughed.  And perhaps applauded for a few seconds.  I was alone--it's okay.

I am so sorry that I just did a bit of critical analysis over Grey's Anatomy.  Excuse me. 

That Adele song is gorgeous.  I highly recommend downloading it.  It makes me cry.  I'm sure for a lot of couples who have recently broken up, this is going to be the break-up song for the lovelorn, jilted party.  It's a song, I'm sure, that a lot of people can relate to.  Not just teenage girls.  I promise.

1 comment:

glady said...

Thank you for legitimizing my love for Adele. I have listened to that song on repete, a la 8th grade, many a time since I first heard it. Wish I were her, kinda.