13 March 2011

A Shout-Out

Can it really be 9:30pm?  Seriously.  Even if it was 8:30pm, I wouldn't believe it.  There is just something young-feeling about tonight.  Thankfully, Ambien will take care of that.  I'm okay with losing an hour--it seems a fair trade when I get more sunlight out of the deal.  Even if I am only enjoying that daylight from the inside.  It's been me and this couch for quite some time now.  Allergies have me feeling quite low, and other things that don't need to be discussed here.

Those things being kind of all-consuming, it is hard for me to concentrate.  I can report that the kittens have figured out how to get on top of the bookcases, and then knock shit on to the floor, which makes The Boy scream bloody jesus (such horrible dents those kittens have managed to put in the floor).  When the kittens aren't on top of the bookcases, they are holding each other like gentle lovers on the bed.  Two gay, incestuous cats.  Mattress just watches on helplessly. 

A faraway friend of mine has cancer.  We are not close friends--college chums at best, and through the miracle of FB closer now than we ever were way back in the way back when.  This woman is so amazing, and I just want to put it out there that I admire her.  She's seriously classy, and is full of the type of strength that I don't believe I have.  It seems she has suffered one medical condition straight on to another for years upon years now, and I can still hear her smile when she posts to FB.  I want to be able to give her a hug, and the best I can do right now beside checking in on her, letting her know that I'm thinking of her, is to write here that she is the bee's knees, the cat's meow, and have my fingers crossed that she survives this, too, like she has so many other things, with sheer, amazing aplomb.  I wish that the chemo doesn't make her wish for death, and that one day I will get to see her to give her my hug.  It's going to be a really big, hard one, so she better be in some seriously good shape to take it.  That's a demand, gosh darn it.  Get better lady!

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