08 March 2011

Happy International Women's Day To You, Too, Texas!

There's a little vomit all down the front of me.  And it's not from that banana I heaved in to the trash can earlier at work today (what the fuck was that hard black stuff in the middle of it?).  It's a bit of Happy International Women's Day that I spewed all over myself when I was hit hard on the back of my head when I found out that the Texas House approved HB 15.  Look out, I have ichorous rage on my boots!  The state, like most other states, is in a serious financial crisis, but it's a bit too busy passing emergency measures to emotionally blackmail pregnant women.  Yay, Texas!  You're so awesome.

So, here we are.  We have to face the very real chance that Planned Parenthood will not be able to keep its doors open in the future, and now pregnant women in Texas will have to submit to a vaginal probe at least 24 hours before she has an abortion--all in the name of informed consent.  Us poor, dim-witted fragile flowers.  It is such a relief having Governor Rick Perry looking out for us!  He totally just wants us ladies to be "fully informed when considering such an important decision."  What a huge burden lifted off of me, because personally, I just had no idea what an abortion meant!  Now with this helpful vaginal probing, pictures and soundtrack, I really get it now.

I'm tired.  So very tired. 

Also, how many Roy Ashburns of this bill will come out in a few years to admit they had an abortion, or their wife, sister, daughter had one? 

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