30 March 2011


Waiting for the call about whether you have the job or not is as excruciating as sitting around waiting for your crush to text (I'm all modern like, don't you know?).  Simply sitting here waiting is tortuous, and it is making me surly beyond reason.  I'm throwing daggers with my eyes, and I will cut you if you get in my way today.  Not only will I cut you, I'll cut your Achilles tendon, because I want to inflict maximum damage with minimal effort on my part. 

They actually called yesterday while I was in a meeting huffing and puffing at some seriously slow-processing brains (do you know what kind of bureaucracy is involved to change a form around here?).  Great, they called, how wonderful!  Except the message was basically, Hey, I'm calling, here's my phone number.  The.  End.  Who does that?  Just don't leave a message if you are unwilling to say one way or the other.  Gah!

Thus my night was ruined, and I was a big sore loser during (not after, DURING) Settlers of Catan with Nauticalina and Wikus.  I threw a tantrum, and I am not proud of it, but here it is, 20 hours later, and the woman still has not called me back.  Yes, I left a message for her yesterday.  Yes, I told her to call my cell.  Yes, I have called again today, but have not reached her.  Perhaps I should drive down there, and camp in her office?  That'll be awkward when she tells me I don't have the job.

Because yes, in that deep black pit of my heart, I know I don't have this job.  Sure, all of you are saying I have a chance, and I'm really awesome, and to be more positive, and all that rah-rah stuff, but seriously, the same thing is being said to the other candidate by his/her friends.  Thus, all I can do is to keep passing the open windows (maybe my consolation prize to myself, besides heavy drinking, will be to reread The Hotel New Hampshire, and remind myself why I adore this phrase). 

Le sigh.

1 comment:

Meg McLynn said...

i can think of few things worse than waiting for that call. i've spent almost every day of the past month waiting for that call (or, 5 different calls, for 5 different jobs). i'm waiting at this very moment. i feel your pain. and would love to go camp out in that lady's office, just so i could give her a nice smack upside the head for her thoughtless behavior. groan.