02 March 2011

The Thoroughbred of Sin Rings For Me

Thanks to Fink-Nottle, I now have an instrumental Bad Horse ringtone.  Which then inspired me to take the Bad Horse Chorus and make it my general ringtone since it is a perfect 35 seconds long.  I assigned Fink-Nottle the instrumental (we don't ever talk on the phone--we can only understand each other through the written word; I'm not sure we could even fill up more than two minutes on the phone without lapsing in to embarrassed silence), and my general ringtone will now sing out how Bad Horse is the Thoroughbred of Sin.  Call me as much as possible, so we can get the message out to the masses.

Yesterday I started my passion-flower half-sleeve.  It is really complicated, and my amazingly talented tattoo artist gnashed good-heartedly under her breath at me the whole time.  Wikus did an excellent job with the tedious design process.  I have three more appointments set up over March and April, and it'll be quite the undertaking.  I'm very pleased so far.

Those are Nauticalina's dishes.  She is killing me right now for ratting her out like that.  However, I would like to take the opportunity to remind her how I took her out for pancakes, broccoli and roasted potatoes.  Sure, the pancakes ended up being free, but the point is I was planning on paying for them before I found out it was Free Pancakes Day at IHOP. 

Now, there's some logic puzzles for me to grumble over and solve.  Nauticalina can be blamed for this, too.  Man, she's such a jerk. 

1 comment:

laeoux74 said...

I am totally making this your personal ringtone