09 March 2010

Sophorine For Sale in May!

The sweet smell of spring is finally in the air.  My Texas Mountain Laurel doesn't seem to be in bloom yet, so there are only sweeter smells to come.  If you don't know what a Texas mountain laurel is, go find one when it is blooming, and you will smell the most awesome grape Kool-Aid smell ever!  I know it seems crazy, and that I must be lying,, and am just trying to get you to stick your nose where a lot of bees hang out, but this is totally a true story.  The bees, too.  Good smells for a bee up your nose is absolutely worth it in this case.  Also, avoid putting the red seeds in your mouth--they are highly poisonous.  I have no idea if they are a good suicide method.  However, they seem to be a good narcotic and are hallucinogenic.  Perhaps I should quit my job and just sell the red seeds that are all over the ground after the flowering.

March in central Texas is so pleasant.  I saw my first bluebonnets of the year alongside I-35 this afternoon.  There are some trees with white fluffy bits on them (I have no idea what kind of trees they are; they aren't particularly pretty, not like fruit trees; something more manly and coarse; update: I'm told that there is a chance they are Bradford pears).  Soon the wisteria will be in bloom and there will be ducklings in the water.  I'll have to start taking lunches again just so I can be outside every day to enjoy it.  Thank to The Boy, I now have a good telephoto lens to help me spy on all the creatures around the creek in back of my office building.

It is so beautiful outside, nice and warm, that I don't even care that there is some pollen out there making my eyes gooey with floating boogers.  Bring it on spring.  I'm ready for you!

I was looking at something today, and there was a person referenced whose last name is Barfnecht.  I find this inconceivable.  How did this person even become an adult--wasn't killed as a child through serious playground abuse?  At the very least, shouldn't this person be an agoraphobe hiding away from society and not letting that name appear on any printed materials?

Last night's House was totally silly (yet, of course, enjoyable for obvious reasons).  Please take note right now, I will always gladly espouse on poo--my poo, your poo, a stranger's poo.  Poo for all!  I'm surprised that this character really would have never mentioned her poo before (with the excuse that no one cares about that stuff--how untrue!  Who cares about your relationship when there is poo to be discussed?!).  Then there's the whole problem that she almost dies and it takes the whole episode and a House epiphany to get us to her issue.  Lame.  As doctors, they totally would have already been monitoring her poos.  They would have taken a sample, they would be making records of her bowel movements (that girl is hooked up in every possible way--she wasn't walking over to the stall every time she needed to go; there'd be a bedpan under That '70s ass).  It's so great that she took all this with such equanimity and didn't start screaming how she was going to sue them for not checking the most basic of symptoms.

As far as I am aware, I have never had a floater.  Just sinkers of various colors.  Nor do I generally have pellets, but it has happened.  Since I take 65mg of iron daily, my poos are going to remain very solid.  Go iron!  Go green poos!

Even Bear and Whoopis are in the mood to go outside.  Listen to Bear make his goat noises.  He desires to bleat and get his coat all dirty.  Whoopis (seen attempting to eat a plant) will likely lick it all off of Bear later, because he is way nicer than I am.  You roll in dirty, your problem on how you get clean.

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