02 March 2010

Any Team Wearing Spandex is Disqualified

Remember how I was freaking out regarding Molly Ringwald's neck a few weeks ago? Last night, The Boy and I were watching the fifth season of Weeds, and I was reminded how the hilariously fucked-up daughter (Isabelle Hodes as played by Allie Grant) in the show has the worst case of sausage neck I've ever seen. Each season I hope that it has somehow corrected itself, but it is always there. I feel horrible for her. How can you fix a thing like that? What make-up techniques can one use to hide such an affliction? I need to know in case this really does end up happening to me.

Leaving work today, there was a guy and a gal blocking the stairwell to the parking garage.  They were having a very important conversation regarding potty training and finances.  I didn't stick around long enough to see what the two had to do with each other.  Then I almost slipped on the stairs.  That would have really ruined their little tete-a-tete.

In slightly more exciting news, a coworker thought I'd be the perfect person to be the standby resource for her Urban Dare team.  I am honored and hope I serve her well.  I was planning on sitting on the couch all day Saturday, so being called upon to look up things on the internet should prove a good use of my time.  The only problem will be if I fall asleep and miss the phone call.  Maybe Guamaniac will want to do this next year, because honestly, I don't know how he hasn't told me about this before, especially considering what he did last Saturday.  The Idiotarod: 5 people, 1 shopping cart, a town and crazy shenanigans that encourages sabotaging the other teams to win.  I bet I couldn't go more than a block without dropping dead for exhaustion.   It sure seems like fun, though.  However, all this love making to the couch leaves me as a poor choice for a team mate.  Also, I would really dislike having stink bombs thrown at me and syrup in my hair.  I'm a baby like that.  Oh, and the cops stopped them.  Fun and the law!  I hang out with some pretty hardcore silly people.  I'm a very lucky lady.

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