12 April 2010

Frijole is the Beans to My Rice

Highlight of my week?  Talking to Frijole.  Have I mentioned how Awesome she is?  That's right, Awesome with a capital "A."  I can tell her things that I would normally only write about not vocalize.  Like how I rode the maintenance elevator (aka: the Verboten Elevator...wait, what's "elevator" in German?  Yahoo! Babel tells me it is Aufzug.  Verboten Aufzug.) with a mentally retarded gentleman (it occurs to me  now that she probably would have preferred me to say "mentally challenged."  Sorry about that, Frijole!).  So, yes, in the elevator and I'm all excited to do something so risky and as I enter the elevator I'm atwitter and try to get the man involved in my excitement.  He looked like he was supposed to be riding it, and that he was totally in on what I was doing (he had a bright yellow safety vest on over a maintenance jumper).  He kept nodding and saying "hello" to me, and then I realized he was mentally challenged and he had no idea why I was saying "Yay!  I'm on the forbidden elevator!"  He was so sweet and had a shy smile, and kept saying "hello, hello, hello!"  He got off two floors before mine, and I wished him a good day as he said, "hello" back.  Then about a half-hour later, I ran in to him in the hallway at the same time a coworker came out of the bathroom right behind him.  I tried to say an individual hello to each, but it looked like he thought I ignored him when he saw someone behind him.  I swear, I didn't!  I tried dto say hello to him first and it isn't my fault of my coworker thought the hello was for her.  So awkward.  Poor guy.   I'm full of guilt over it.

Other items Frijole and I discussed our stupid coworkers.  She had to write a memo, and her boss wrote back telling her to put the dates (there were several) in "tabular form."  Neither of us quite knew what this mean, since it was a fucking memo.  Why would she want a table in a memo?  What purpose would that serve?  This led to her talking about something magical called Notebook that she insisted I would have in Word.  Nuh-uh, I know Word up and down and around the block to your momma's house.  There is no such thing.  And she says, "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, is that just a Mac feature?"  Well, luckily, The Boy has a Mac, and he's not home, so I fired it up and sure enough, fairies and leprechauns must exist, because it is there and totally is for real magical.  There are TABS!  Why do I not have this?  Is there an add-on for my Windows 7?  Seriously, I must have it.  I resent him for opening my eyes to a possibility out of my reach.

We discussed my animals' poos, naturally.  The Bear is pooping bright-orange pumpkin poo with cherry-red bloody bits.  ET still has the mucous poos (even though I am now bathing him twice a week), and Whoopis' still has his icki (with an "i"), soft diabetic poo.  There's a lot of bad pooing going on around here.  The Boy even took a picture of the Bear's poo just for me.  I'm sure he was puking in his hand the whole time (he had to use a flashlight to accomplish this, so I guess he'd probably be puking on his knees).  You can tell he is puking because he couldn't get a shot in focus.  Here is Bear's offering:

Damn Blogger, won't upload photos tonight.  Guess I'll have to post it tomorrow.

Strange coincidence for the day: it is my boss' and the Amazon's anniversary today.  Except the Amazon has been with her man for 12 years, whereas my boss has been with hers 24 years.  Go marriage...for them...not for me.  It's kind of weird knowing that both of them are going to have sex tonight.  Or, at least I assume that both of the men will expect some sexing fun times.  I'll refrain from asking them if this was the case.  In fact, I already know this will be the case.

Shocker for the day: I woke up feeling great.  When I say that, I mean I actually woke up and got out of bed feeling awake and ready to go.  I got to work 30 minutes early.  I was happy, full of pep and witty comebacks.  I accomplished a lot and didn't get too aggravated when the wifi kept cutting out (probably from all the bandwidth suckage of everyone watching the owlets).  It's past 10pm, and I'm still awake.  This is wonderful.  Is this how other people feel on a daily basis?  Please say this lasts for at least a week.

Wikus, The Boy and I are very excited that Doctor Who returns on Saturday.  The only problem is that every time I see the commercial for the season, I cringe and look away.  The new Doctor Who is so damn weird looking.  All his facial bits don't match.  He's totally put together with different people's bits.  Guess I'll just be forced to call him Doctor Frankenstein.  Look at that forehead hanging like a cliff, making his eyes look like deep inset caves.  So weird!  This will not stop me from watching the show, but I have a feeling I'll always crave the previous two doctors.

It is late, and I don't want to push this good feeling too far past my bedtime.  I want to comment on how Mississippi is now all behind the Confederate Heritage Month bullshit.  Here's a good article to read instead of reading my incensed ranting.  This just fucking blows my mind that we still exult such a horrible time period in the U.S.  Gnash, growl, grrr.  Let's all just say to ourselves, state rights were rights to own slaves.  Fucking assholes.  Okay, I live in Texas and I'll never win.  To all my black friends (and nonfriends, because the message is still the same except the "love" part), I love you and I'm so sorry you have to put up with this continuous bullshit for what I guess will be eternity. 

Time to read (Meg Wolitzer's, "The 10-Year Nap"). 

If you need way more enjoyable reading, go see Mimi Smartypants.  I'll discuss at some point how I believe she is 75% me.  Or rather, since she's older by a few years, I'm 75% her.  She should live in my pocket so I can talk to her all day long.  Due to my serious anxiety about talking to strangers, I can't bring myself to send her an email.  Instead, I find it easier just to tell the world how great I think she is.  Partly because she is part me, and well, I rock.  Rocking right into an 11pm bedtime.  Oh, yea!

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