26 April 2010

Scoop Hands!

If you found yourself downtown tonight around 8:45p, and saw some crazy lady try to turn left in to oncoming traffic, I apologize, it was me.  Sure, I had a glass of wine and maybe half of another one, and I was totally high off a great night with Guamaniac, my Viola Lady and the Golden Hornet Project, but that wasn't the problem.  I SWEAR.  I just didn't see the median, and turned too sharply for that road.  Good thing Guammy shouted (in the nicest way, where I would have been totally shrill and shrieking in terror) for me to look out, I was going the wrong way.  Luckily he caught me in time, and I just had to swerve around the median, but still, hot damn, that would have been messy.  And just think, I was recently conversing with Fink-Nottle over the weekend wondering how the hell this woman ended up going the wrong way down I-35 at 2am.  I think I may understand now.  Look, if you don't like my driving, then don't make the night-blind lady drive in the dark.  Okay?

This was the best Monday night for me in a very long time.  Today was a bit meh (I made some really dumb mistakes at work, which made me wonder why my brain apparently had slept later than my body), but oh, the fun I have with Guammy.  Every girl should have a gay boyfriend.  I have been lucky my whole life in this regard.  I continued the weekend trend of gluttony and had carpaccio, beef kebab, bread and butter, and a bacon pizza.  Uh, that's the way we roll.  And roll and roll.  My hamhocks are growing by the minute.  We thoroughly enjoyed the program tonight even though we di fail to throw our panties at Miss Viola.  I did clap wildly through the show, and tried to send all my happy vibes her way.  She is so good.  Impressively good.  I'm proud to know her.  She inspires me when I listen to her perform.  Then I go home and get lazy again.  She obviously needs to play here at the house.  Right?  We stayed after and gave her lots of SCOOP HANDS.  Said hello to Peter and sniggered when Graham walked by.  They both composed beautiful pieces, and are very smart to get the best quartet ever involved.  So, I give them props, even if one does look homeless and can't seem to remember who I am.  That's okay.  I respect his work.  He was even a bit funny on stage.  And it was Peter who di the  most random thing of the night.  An odd choice to end the show, he sang!  Peter sang.  It sounded like he was taken by the spirit of Anyanka's husband (go look it up kids).  I can be picky about how far people push certain things.  It di not overshadow the evening, so I should shut up now.

Driving home, Guammy came up with a new name for diabetic cats: Diakitties.  Go ahead, slap that knee.  Then feed you insulin-dependent cat some Diakitties Crunch for those with a Feeble Pancreas (hey, that's my next band name, hands off).  We find this all highly hilarious.  We are obviously the smartest people in the room.

The sad note to end this is I didn't get to see The Boy today.  Sniffs.  Also, sad, Ari-fucking-zona.  It's disgusting.  I'm angry and feel something akin to grief for the people who live there and what they are facing.  Even the police aren't comfortable with this, and seriously, if the police aren't even down with it, you know you've gone way too far adrift to the right.  Worse, are all the people who believe that this law is necessary because they feel that people who are here illegally from Mexico are deviant criminals, who do horrible criminal acts here in the U.S. then return to Mexico?  SERIOUSLY!  There are so many politicians and idiot racists and bigots that I want to give a serious kick to the genitals.  There are so many people here doing our dirty work for paltry wages, and all we can do is say, oh, you know, you're here illegally, I know you were just raped and all, but see, there's this law where we have to ask your citizenship status during all LEGAL matters.  Oh, not a citizen.  Well, we'll do our best to capture your rapist, but we're going to have to also deport you.  Thank you and have a good day.  No wonder Fink-Nottle is always railing at the news these days.  I may just have to keep listening to OMD while driving instead of NPR.  It will probably be better for my health.

1 comment:

bleckbleck said...

That's Aryanzona to you! :)