21 October 2010

Middle School Soul Raiders

In training today, I suffered through a bit of a sneezing spell.  Some computer tech was in the room repairing something, and he said that my sneezes were "precious."  I disagree.  They are totally tough and convey what a badass I am. 

Tutoring finally started today.  I have three students: two girls and a boy, and they seem really awesome.  Nice, smart and quite calm.  The teacher assigned the students to a group, so no more knots of besties speaking secret girl talk and giggling.  I'm very much looking forward to hanging out with these kids every Thursday afternoon.  We are calling ourselves The Lynxes (I realize "lynx" is the plural, but so is "lynxes" and it is just more fun to say that way).  They first said "cheetahs" until I turned them on to the awesomeness that is the lynx.  The iPhone makes for great educational moments.  Their teacher had no idea what a lynx was (and couldn't figure out how to spell it), and I found that to be very disappointing, and sad.  I find that knowing your different types of cats is a vitally important to being a well-rounded human.

CSP's group was almost the Soul Raiders, but ended up the Soul Cats, which I don't find as fun.  It pales terribly in the shadow of Soul Raiders.  Which sounds really really dirty to me.  I immediately thought of anal sex.  Then started imagining logo suggestions for the Soul Raiders.  It involved a very thick dildo with spikes.  This all happened in about a half-second, and we went our separate ways without me once saying what I was thinking.  Baby, who's going to be my soul raider tonight?  Oh, oh, oh.  It's you!  See, it even makes for a good song.   Anyway, one of his kids suggested Soul Raiders, but consensus wasn't reached until Soul Cats was put out there.  I bet that kid is totally going to be an ass-pirate in a few years (please say he isn't already--there are so many 12-year-olds having sex these days, and it terrifies me; even I waited until I was 15 for crap's sake!). 

Soul, soul, soul raider! Hiyaaaaa! 

I need to take a break from mosaicing tonight.  I really shouldn't, but I have fucked flayed my fingers on glass, and it just hurts way too much.  Even typing right now is less than ideal.  I'm not using the ring-saw on this project, and there are so many little itty bitty pieces, which really just means more potential to have glass embedded in various bits of my hand.  I must accomplish a lot this weekend for the slacking off I did on Tuesday (Red Dwarf), tonight (crybaby) and tomorrow (outdoor scary movie and chili fun times!).  Saturday I have a wedding to go to in the afternoon, so really it is going to be a date with myself in the garage Saturday night.  I'm sure I'll just have a soul-raiding good time.  With glass. 

It's dinner time.  I've had three cookies and a banana today.  Now moving on to a fruit shake and Amy's margherita pizza for dinner.  Thus, I balance out all that badness with tons of fruity goodness.  So there.

This morning's sunrise out by where I was in training:

1 comment:

RFS said...

"I find that knowing your different types of cats is a vitally important to being a well-rounded human."

Just one of the reasons why I am liking you.

"I immediately thought of anal sex."

Just one of the reasons why you frighten and confuse me.
