05 October 2010

No, I Haven't Read the Book

At some point this weekend, and damn if I can remember when (I was only awake for 7 hours on Saturday due to the evil fall elm that is clogging up my sinuses), The Boy and I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. He had numerous people rave to him about it, and through Goodreads, I could tell many of my friends have read it (or are reading it).  The title alone made me trepidatious about watching it (forget investing in the book).  The title is meant to titillate--like, See, I'm a totally rad movie, there's a lady with a DRAGON TATTOO! A DRAGON TATTOO! Isn't that so fucking awesome and cool?  For sure! However, despite the title screaming in my face not to watch this film, I did.

 (for those babies who cry over such things)

Once again I have been reminded how I should not second guess myself, and at least one time in my life go with what first popped in to my head.  This movie was totally perplexing from the beginning.  Why the fuck would the father think that the damn pressed flowers he received on his birthdays since his daughter's supposed death was from the killer?  That was the stupidest opening gambit, and anyone who has an ounce of critical thinking skills would say, why wouldn't his first thought be that she is still alive since they NEVER FOUND HER BODY?  Was this really the best a writer can come up with to introduce intrigue?

Oh, and look, a totally gothy punk-rock young lady enters the picture.  She's so tough, so cool, so aloof.  She is dangerous and sexy.  Can you just feel all the boners sproinging to life out there?  Who cares what the fuck she is doing in the plot--the point is she is there, and that is so superawesomecool.  She totally has tattoos.  She must be the girl with that DRAGON TATTOO.  Why does this woman decide to help the reporter?  Because she knows he's innocent and she has the research to prove that he is?  No, that doesn't seem to be her interest (well, not until the end of the film and he's already serving his sentence), but she will totally get involved in his murder mystery.  What was her motivation?  Why provide any at all?  Who needs it?  SHE'S SO FUCKING HOT! Just turn off your brain and enjoy her looks.  Stop asking questions.  Killjoy.

Now, since having a maybe-murdered-40-years-ago girl, a recently convicted reporter (who's innocent, of course), and some girl who really has nothing to do with anything involved in the investigation, the ante must be upped--SEX will totally accomplish that.  Both the good kind and the bad kind.  Let's go ahead and make the girl bisexual (as if her sexuality has any bearing on a murder case), raped by her parole officer (or guardian in their vernacular), had an abusive father, throw in some purposeless sex scenes and show us her meager chest just for some additional stimulation. Then there was the sex with the reporter, and it looks like love but she isn't committing.  Of course the murder investigation leads to the brutal slaying and raping of young girls.  I would think that the dark sexual content of the murders would be enough, but that is why I don't make the movies.  Why do we need every type of sex there is for a generic mystery movie?  Is it just so we can all be turned on and know it is totally wrong, and hate our selves for it, but don't want it to stop, because dammit, show her boobs again.

And what the fuck does all this have to do with her damn tattoo?  How did she end up being the focus of this movie?  Of course at the end she walks in to the sunset with a bank account full of money and a kick in her step--free and single, presumably to go about her bisexual ways and always show her dragon tattoo in the best light.

Had another successful Red Dwarf night yesterday.  Sunday afternoon was an UFGT picnic in the park with tutus, fairy bunny ears, hula hoops, croquet, fried chicken and doughnuts and the best friends ever.  The week ahead has Peelander-Z and possibly another picnic.  Fall came early, making these early days of October delightfully pleasant for romping around outdoors.  Must start my mosaic this weekend, too.  So much to do, and I feel like I'm just getting started.  Which isn't such a bad feeling really.

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