30 October 2010

Stoned Panda (New Band Name?)

Before heading out to the garage and spending the afternoon inhaling glass dust, and getting more bloody fingerprints on the mosaic, I thought I'd sit down and watch the season finale of Project Runway, and check in here.  Seems like more and more days stretch between each update, and I blame so many things (damn  you EM for getting me addicted to Angry Birds!).  There are many distractions right now: iPhone apps, friends needing help, finalizing vacation plans, waiting for the McRib on election day, hormonal craziness, crying jags in the car, weepy moments by the creek, coming close to peeing myself in happiness, etc.  The swings are so up and down that I can't say where I am emotionally at any given moment.

Thursday was so awful.  I was so angry and upset, and none of it was about me, but I had internalized someone else's pain and sadness.  It eventually trickled over to my own problems, and made me look at every thing negatively.  Yet, so many good things happened that day.  Made vacation plans with one friend, made peace with another friend, and finally talked to someone dear to me for the first time in almost two months.  At tutoring I ran in to two of my girls from last year, and oh god, the pleasure the girls gave me by squealing like small animals under attack, and so fiercely hugging my sides, that I thought they were going to pull me down to the floor and start nibbling on me in their exuberance.  I don't think any kids have ever been so happy to see me.  And, I have never enjoyed children as much as I have in that moment.  They love me!

Then they were late to class and came running to find me to write them an excuse for being late.  I highly doubt a note from me changed anything, but I happily obliged. Such power!

That afternoon I got a much needed hug from a friend.  That didn't exactly turn my mood around, but I really did appreciate it.  Though, the gusting wind was a distraction, and there was like a 10-year-old girl just hanging out in front of my office building kind of staring at us.  That was totally weird.  Sometimes there are stray cats loafing out side the building, but rarely any stray kids.  Especially stray kids hanging out in seemingly gale-force winds. 

Wikus and I went to Hobby Lobby today.  There were a lot of obese people buying crafty stuff.  By the cash register were some seriously stoned stuffed animals.  Look at the eyes on this panda!

Nothing like giving children the idea that dilated eyes are way cool. 

When I got home, I found this on my door.

Damn, I missed the religious crazies.  I am totally going to go worship with them at the Country Inn & Suites.  Nothing like church in a hotel.  Especially if I manage to pick up some hot, young thing, looking for a bit of spirit and faith--there's plenty of rooms to show him (or her!) what religion is really all about.  Heh heh. 

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