06 December 2009

The Annual Making of Chicken Day Cards

Did I mention yesterday was hella cold? Well, it was. Last night Wikus and I had planned to put together our Chicken Day cards. We do this every year, but it isn't usually so damn cold when we set out on our project. Wikus has a terrible apartment. It is one of those that looks pretty nice, but is really a hideous craphole. I have a lot of guilt over this, because I pretty much got him this apartment--I am obviously a fool who falls for pretty things. Anyway, to prove how crappy this apartment is, last night Wikus was deep-frying tasty tasty tasty french fries and defrosting some Boca Chik'n patties, which made the power got out. I am not shitting you. He yelled, "WHAT IS THIS? BOSTON!" That's the kind of shit we put up with in Boston, but not here. The even more fucked-up bit was it was obvious that there was still some kind of ghost power happening. The light on the digital-converter box was on, and the faintest of glows emitted from the overhead light, yet nothing would turn on for us, no matter how many breaker switches Wikus popped on and off in the box. I told him to get a flashlight and go outside to see if he could find the main breaker box for his apartment. I sat in the dark and ate some french fries while he was out in the cold. See what a good friend I am? He managed to find the box, where there were two switches: one on and one off. Flipping the switch made the lights come back on, which was awesome. Except, EXCEPT, to keep the power on, we had to turn off the heat. That's right. TURN OFF THE HEAT. Mind you, his apartment could not have possibly been over 50 degrees in there with the heat set on maximum. Yet, this was too much for the apartment to handle.

At that point, considering my hands were numb, and I was fearful that my nose was going to fall off due to frostbite, we gave up on the idea of the Chicken Day cards for the night, and just watched a few episodes of The IT Crowd. If you have not watched this show, you must do it NOW. You can watch it on Netflix. Yeah!

However, that meant we had to get to work today. His apartment was marginally warmer. He already had the design made, and we had purchased cardstock this past Monday, so it was just a matter of me choosing the colors for the design and him doing all the cutting and folding. I messed around in Illustrator while he did the grunt work.

After a lunch of tasty tasty Tex-Mex (with The Boy in tow), we came back to my house (where it is warmer!) to assemble the cards. We managed to sit at the kitchen table for a couple of hours without breaking a window. Yeah us. Part of our annual tradition with the cards is to have a haiku. We make it up on the spot together, every single year. This year I did one-third and he did the rest, with me making a minor change resulting in a gerund.

This is a limited edition, and if you want your Chicken Day card, you better make sure I have your current address. We'll make more as needed, but it may end up being after Chicken Day (12/17), because we tend to get a bit lazy when it is cold outside.

Tomorrow: Tales of pet-sitting good times. Including: the children of one of Wikus' cats, and a bunny. Oh my god! Have you ever just sat and watched a bunny eat lettuce? It is almost as awesome as watching my tortoise eat lettuce. A damn amazing good time.

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