13 December 2009

Couch Sunday

Spent my day in my night pants and my shill shirt, under a blanket, on the couch, with a rotating shift of cats snuggled against my belly. Sure, I felt guilty a lot of times for this being my whole day (mostly). Feeling a bit depressed, the reasons I am not going to air here. I did accomplish cleaning the horror-show of our bathroom. The Orange Lover, as mentioned before, has his good and bad days. The last two days have been bad. He has managed to pee multiple times on the floor, pooed in various places except for the litterbox, and threw up at least two of his meals. There's also the litter that has been spread on top of every surface: toilet, sink, counter, floor. Accomplishing cleaning that was so depressing: a) because it is dirty work, and b) it is an in-my-face representation of the decline of my best friend. I also made some Tollhouse cookies from a tube. Then I ate half of them. That's right, half of them. I would have eaten more if I knew it wouldn't make me feel so guilty for doing it. Damn you guilt.

To make it worse, it was finally sunny outside today, and I only got off the couch twice, and neither time was it to leave the house. I think it even made it in to the 70s. So lame of me.

Oh, and I watched this really fucked-up show on the BBC America channel. "Britain's Missing Top Model." Was there a Top Model from Britain missing? Was this show following the mystery and detective work to find her? Could that possibly be a show. I checked out the description and it seemed like a regular Top Model show. Heck yes, I tuned in, and oh, my, god. This is a show about ladies who have some kind of disability. Some were born without a limb or deaf; others had a horrific accident or some rare disease. It was crazy. I was shocked. It was so crude. Yet, at the same time, I understood that these people chose to be on this show, and each of them wanted to be a model, and that the modeling industry probably doesn't usually have a lady in a wheelchair on the catwalk. But come on, we all know that people are watching it just to see women with missing limbs posing in their underwear! And so help me, I was one of those people, and I have set the DVR to record all new episodes. I feel so evil and dirty.

Yesterday was a busy day with Wikus. He was kind enough to help with at the PO with all my Chicken Day packages. I learned the automated machine, and my life is changed forever at the PO. I probably won't avoid it as much now. Chicken Day cards are in the mail! Packages are on their way. Then we went to view my mosaic at the museum. You can see it as soon as you open the door. There is some pretty good competition, and I really have no idea what the outcome will be. The judging happens this week. Next up was book-shopping for Wikus' mom, which was mostly me suggesting books I have read (some Wikus has read), and balancing whether his born-again mother would appreciate the book based on how much sex, drugs and other sins were in it, and finding the right balance. We have given her T.C. Boyle in the past and Christopher Moore, so we know that she can handle sex and comedy, but it can be a bit challenging to keep that combo going across a broader expanse of authors. In the end, we got her "A Dirty Job," by Christopher Moore and "The Secret History," by Donna Tartt. The first one Wikus hasn't read, but is trusting me that it is good, and the second one he has read since I gave it to him as a gift. Lastly, we went to a small art fair that happens every year, and features some really quirky artist. I bought my Gaysian friend something hilarious for Chicken Day that I really hope he enjoys. He's been wishing for a Pegacorn (Pegasus and Unicorn mix), and this was the best I could find. As always, when ever I buy him a gift, I'm totally jealous to have to give it up. The rest of the day we watched TV (caught up on Dollhouse), and then Life Aquatic (a movie I love, but totally better on a large screen with all those colors), then The IT Crowd. By the second episode I was dead asleep and The Boy had to drive Wikus home.

Today the back of my thighs hurt from spending all of yesterday in heels. No matter, since I lazed on the couch the whole time.

And no, I still have not started the mosaic I am supposed to have like half-done by now. I have zero motivation. The same goes with the grocery store and laundry that desperately needs to happen. Look, I cleaned up mass amounts of cat pee, poo and vomit today. There's only so much I can handle these days.

Did I forget to mention the 3-hour nap I took this afternoon. Maybe I need to move up my psych appointment to discuss tweaking my meds.

Anyway, if you are in Texas and know the details (you know who you are), please go see my mosaic and vote for it for the People's Choice Award. Thanks!

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