09 December 2009

A Lack of Motivation

November was an amazing month for me in that I actually made it off of the couch most nights. That took a lot of work. It can be exhausting being such a lazy person who set some personal goals that actually required work. Geez. All that exertion left me drained of all motivation for December. I keep swearing I will get around to making the new mosaic, which is basically due in 2 weeks. Gulp. I have the template and the supplies, but I have yet to get my butt out in to the freezing garage to get to work. It is 37 degrees right now, and sitting in a concrete box working with glass and a wet-grinder is not exactly my idea of fun. I'd much rather sit here in my night pants (NIGH PANTS!), a nice thermal shirt (with my work's logo, I'm such a shill), a fun bright purple sweatshirt with pink zipper and my wonderful pink-striped fleece NIGHT PANTS.

Here is the sweatshirt I am wearing. It has a strange high collar and some seams that I guess are supposed to give my body more "shape." I was solely sold on the purple and pink.

And the most important part of sitting on the couch? Cats! Always at least two, and sometimes three, and rarely four. No one can honestly expect me to go in to the garage and work with glass under such circumstances?

Tonight I managed to address some Chicken Day cards. That took me over an hour. I also took my mosaic template in to the garage, which verified that it was indeed damn cold out there. I'm waiting for The Boy to get home so we can watch the finale of Glee (high hopes that it is better than the penultimate episode, which was only good in that Will Schuester's wife was finally, FINALLY outed as not pregnant).

Man, there's this grocery-store commercial on right now where the store's staff is singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (I have no idea if that is the real title of the song), by adding "er" to everything ("we wish you a merriER Christmas, and a happiER new year"), which is totally lame in of itself; but they made it fun (unintentionally, I'm sure) by picking the most tone-deaf employees on staff. Thing totally flat tone with a Texas accent. It's that bad. I bet that's how the carolers will sound at work on whatever day that is happening. Maybe I should stick around for that show instead of hiding like I had originally planned. This commercial has really opened my eyes.

I wish all of you a merriER week of waiting for Chicken Day!

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