11 December 2009

No Class

Today was the last day of tutoring the 6th-grade girls for the semester. I'll return mid-January. Parking is very tight at this school, and I had to park on the street and totally walk around the whole school back to the front. While I was making this trek, I noticed a fucking HUMMER pulling out of the space closest to the front door. And I said to myself, "surely, fucking, not!" Sadly, yes, yes it was the principal who drives the Hummer.

Ok, fine, I hate Hummers in the first place. For so many obvious reasons: gas consumption, aesthetics, attitudes of most people who drive them, safety problems when paired against smaller vehicles during a crash, etc. However, I found this particularly galling because the middle school I tutor at is one of those "under-performing" school that is always being threatened to close due to the children not having high enough TAKS scores to get all that money from the state. Last year, it was on the list to be totally closed, and they were saved at the last moment (by what, I'm not sure). This is a school of very poor children whose primary language is Spanish. They have a lot to struggle with, and I'm proud to be mentoring them. Yet, the fucking principal drives a Hummer. If I knew how to slash Hummer tires, I totally would do that one Friday.

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