24 December 2009

A Plastic Baggy of Ham!

That's right. I'm the proud owner of a bag of ham. It's not even lunch-meat ham. It is ham off of a bone. It is full of delicious ham fat, and delicious ham muscle. it is so deeply pink. it totally moves me. feels me with joy that i have it in a baggy, too. it's like having a goldfish in a bag, except for a it pork in a bag. I just made The Boy smell my hands. He said, "hammy?" I giggled and nodded "yes." Then he called me a "dumbass." Vegetarians just cannot appreciate how awesome it is to have ham-smelling hands.

We had dinner at our friends' house (the ones we visited in Michigan in July--they head back there on Saturday) with a great bunch of people who actually find me funny. Which is saying a lot. The Boy and I brought the twin girls a game we just found called Consensus. We got them the "Junior" edition. It was a lot like Apples to Apples but with less hurt feelings when your card never fucking gets chosen. I swear I'm not bitter. Oh hey, I just read that there's an Apples to Apples Bible edition. The twins would love that, but The Boy just put his foot down rejecting the idea.

The cats are loving my ham hands. They rub on my fingers and are totally slobbering on themselves. Man, what a good night. Who knew it would end up so swell? Ham!

PS: Dallas hates Chicken Day. Or at least their PO does. They returned all my Dallas cards as undeliverable due to me owing an extra 20 cents. What kind of bullshit is that? It made it to Boston, Michigan, California, other Texas towns, but not Dallas? ANGER!

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