09 September 2010

My One True Love is Benadryl

It rained over 10" the other night.  Leaving me in a state of death by mold.  Funny how Austin always freaks out over hurricanes that  never manifest, and a tropical storm comes and slaps us up side the head.  There's plenty of water in the stores, for fuck's sake--that's how you know we were unprepared.  I spent yesterday in bed groaning, "I'm blind, I'm blind!"  Blinded by mucus.  I took so many Benadryls that I'm surprised that my liver is still functioning.

Thus I don't have much to report.  We started the third season of Skins with its new cast.  I want to make out with that show.  I know Laroux, Wikus and The Boy agree with me.  We'll have a group orgy with the television.  It will be terribly filthy fun.

Tonight, while The Boy is recording, I am doing my normal watch a horrible romance movie and browse around online.  It's going well so far.  Mattress and Horchata are snuggling.  I am all alone.  Sigh.  It seems that these damn kittens only like The Boy.  Those bastards.  Don't they realize I am the whole reason they are in this house getting an obscene amount of love?

How about a dialogue between Ex-Cop and me?

Ex-Cop: Hi.  Are you in a good mood today?
Grumples: I'm sick, wasn't here yesterday, and have a lot to catch up on.
Ex-Cop: Well, okay, but that doesn't tell me if you're in a good mood.
Grumples: Yes, I was anticipating what you were going to ask after I answered if I was in a good mood, and my answer still is I am busy.
Ex-Cop: You got me.
Grumples: I'm in a bad mood.
Ex-Cop: I need this scanned.
Grumples: Too bad you didn't take notes the last time I showed you how to scan.
Ex-Cop: I took notes.
Grumples: Uh huh.
Ex-Cop: They're in my head.
Grumples: Obviously not since you are standing here asking me to scan something.
Ex-Cop: (gets angry and stomps off)


Ex-Cop: Do I give this packet to you?
Grumples: No, you scan it and email it to me.
Ex-Cop: I don't want to scan it.
Grumples: That's too bad since I do not accept paper, and the policy is for it to be scanned.
Ex-Cop: (gets angry and stomps off)

My therapist has advised me to start standing up for myself more when at work, and who better to start with than Ex-Cop trying to treat me as his personal slavebuttmonkey?

The day was a bit brighter when CSP swung by.  It's always nice to see him.  Though, I forgot to give him the Magnetic Fields cd I had made for him.  Blame my damn allergies for having me completely lost right now.   Therefore, yes, my post is all over the place.  I apologize.  Does a melting liver cause psychosis?

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