03 September 2010


Grumples: Boy?

The Boy: Yes?

Grumples: You have a beautiful mouth.

The Boy: Ah, thanks, honey.

Grumples: I was in a meeting the other day staring at every one's mouth in an attempt to look like I was understanding the highly technical stuff they were discussing, and I realized that not a single person in there had a pretty mouth.  They either had completely average, nondescript mouths, or they had these sad thin lines for lips.

The Boy: ... (big goofy grin on face)

Grumples: Your lips are wonderful.  I love your lips.  You have the best mouth ever.

The Boy: Thanks, sweetie!

(Few moments of comfortable silence passes.)

Grumples: Okay, um, wait, I need to retract that.  Ian McCulloch actually wins for best mouth.  I'm sorry, but I have to be honest about that.

The Boy: He does have a very nice mouth.

Grumples: Is it okay if you come in second?

The Boy: Yes, that's fine.

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