06 September 2010

Sex Orgasm Survey for Labor Day

The bottom of an Amazon box I broke down for recycling had an inventory tracking sticker that said, "NO READ."  Was it a simple coincidence of random letters coming together for an unfortunate sentence on a box that carried books, or is someone trying to tell the public something?

Most of my day has been spent telling myself that after X activity, I will get up and clean.  I missed Frijole's weekly call due to a 2.5-hour nap, and then, out of guilt, I finally dragged myself out of bed (but my face was so comfortable under that pillow), and cleaned.  It took less than an hour.

ET had a gigantic poop today.  A lovely, gut-cleansing poop.  It was the perfect consistency.  He seemed quite happy, and I let him wander around the yard eating the leaves of weeds as a reward for his efforts.  That made my tender, loving care of him yesterday even more worthwhile.  I will glad pull poop out of his ass daily if it kept him well.

I stumbled across this website today.  I'm not sure how I got there, but its pink, splashiness had me stay a bit longer than I normally would when landing on a site by accident.  The way the site looks kind of makes my eyes explode, but it is worth a scroll through for the links.  There are a couple of nice graphics detailing different sexually-related facts of the American public.  However, I cannot find the exact source of the information.  One of the graphics does have "American Sex Survey Abcnews.com, Kinsey Institute," but plugging that in to Google comes up with many things, but not these exact graphics.  So, take that as you will.  The other graphic seems to come from The National Orgasm Survey, which (obviously) looks fascinating.  I'm taking the survey right now.  It appears I am pretty normal compared to the other survey takers.

There's nothing really shocking about the information in these graphics.  I'm a little skeptical about how it says that 70% of men think about sex daily, but only 34% of women do.  I don't know these women.  Most of my lady friends think of sex daily (whether in a positive or negative way, it's still being thought about).  A rather sad statistic is that only 27% of men and 19% of women have had oral sex in the last year (and does that include receiving and giving or just one or the other?).

For my age group (30-39), I should be having sex 71.9 times a year.  The Boy is going to start nagging me if he reads that one.  Maybe I should set up a calendar reminder to be sure to hit that stat.  It states the average American has 13.5 sexual partners during their adult life--with men having 20.8, and women having 6.3.  Yes! I'm a total overachiever for both genders.  Ha.  I knew I'd win at some point during this survey.  Oh, it's not a contest?  I'm apologize.  But, I still win...right?

Then on to the female orgasm--75% of women need clitoral stimulation, and are unable to achieve orgasm through intercourse alone.  No shit.  It is sad that this still has to be repeated every three seconds, but it's good that it is, since I cannot count how many men and women I have talked to who don't seem to know that.  Women sit around worrying something is wrong with them, and men are just blithely ignorant. It doesn't help that women, in thinking something is wrong with them, spend more time faking orgasms than showing a partner how to make it happen.

I've been guilty of that.  I spent a lot of time faking orgasms as a teenager and in college.  I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who are totally proud of their prowess in their getting-Grumples-off talent.  So not true!  Most of the time I faked it just so it could end already, because goodness, it is so tiring to keep getting pounded and prodded by clumsy lovers.  That was bad for me, and for them too, since I sent them off to other partners who probably suffered from their lack of skills as well.

At some point, I finally realized that I was going to have more fun, if I stopped with the charade of orgasm, and actually helped my partner to work with me.  Sex has been much better since that point. I recommend this attitude.  I shake my head at all those poor people out there who think they are doing a great job and so aren't.  I'd rather know I'm not doing it right for someone, then find out later that I totally was not.  Ugh.

Only once have I had an orgasm during penetrative penis-vaginal sex.  Once!  And it wasn't a good one.  It totally fizzed out as I peaked.  Lame.  Which is to say that I have had much more enjoyable orgasms, and don't worry about how I can't seem to make it happen with penetrative penis-vaginal sex.  Instead of constantly working toward something my body has a hard time achieving, it is better to go with what I know will work almost 100% of the time.

Who wants to go have sex now?  Let's do it!


Meg McLynn said...

Who wants to have sex now? I DO I DO I DO!!!

Grumples said...

Oh, Meglette, please say your "I dos" are for me. Please say it is so. I'll book my flight to Seattle this afternoon! Kisses.