07 January 2010

Losing My Best Friend

Some one's Wii remote batteries are low. Wii can be a great distraction, especially from grief. I found that it only worked for me for a half-hour or so, because it only pointed out to me that I suck at using the Wii (unlike everyone else who just thinks it is the best thing for video-game disabled EVER). Therefore, I am The Boy's backseat Wii driver. I find it very easy to point out what he should be doing while he deftly controls the Wii remote.

This has been a bad week. It went from the worst allergies ever to the Orange Lover's death. There aren't too many stops in between those two horrible things. I don't believe I'm really ready to talk about it. I do want to thank all my wonderful friends for their support and offering to come over and do what ever they need to do for me. Which, beyond grocery shopping, I really don't have anything for them to do. It was a day I have been dreading for at least 7 years now (that is how silly I am, yet also how well-prepared I am), and it went off pretty much in the worst possible way I have ever imagined.

For now, we'll grieve. We'll pet our 3 remaining cats and love each other and cry all over our shoulders and chests. Tomorrow I'll get his little paddy paw tattooed on me, so I can always touch him when I need him by my side.

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