24 January 2010

Time To Reflect

This weekend I accomplished this:

1) Taking Wikus' cat to the vet (she's the sister of Whoopis) to determine why she is "self-barbering." Answer: Who knows. This is what I expect from vets these days. Hey we got a problem and we're going to pay you to tell us what it is. Ah, you don't know? Hmmm. Interesting. I'm sure if I had some mysterious ailment, doctors would play the same game with me. We know she doesn't have mites or fleas, but she may be allergic to something, so Wikus has to give her an antihistamine. If that doesn't work, full blood panel and urinalysis. There better be nothing wrong with her because I won't be able to deal with another death in the family.

2) Watched all my DVRed shows to clear the queue.

3) Two naps in two days.

4) Started "The Children's Book," by A. S. Byatt (just finished "Chronic City," by Jonathan Lethem). The Boy just spilled a can of water on it, but swears he didn't. Guess we'll have to blame a cat. It's a first edition, fourth printing, so I am not going to freak out over it. I'm not her hugest fan, so this isn't like the time The Boy left my first edition, first printing of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" by Susanna Clarke sitting in the Orange Lover's favorite place to pee. That was anger inducing. He had to find another one for me, and couldn't get a white cover, only a black cover. The peed-on one lived in the garage for awhile until the smell got better, then it sat on the bookshelf. I eventually gave it to my gorgeous Amazonian friend, who may or may not have read it, but is pretty sure her husband did. She has two boys and works like 60 hours a week. She claims she can only read while brushing her teeth. I've met her boys and absolutely believe this to be true.

5) Watched the first six episodes of Mad Men with The Boy. I don't hate it, I don't love it. It was fine for what it was, and it was a joy to see little Connor trying to be a man and not be all feral vampire-slayer. If I didn't see another episode, I wouldn't cry over it. I'm sure we will watch them all, though. There's a trend in this house for a certain someone to poo-poo television, but then get addicted to it when you can watch it on DVD or Netflix. Funny that.

6) Not showering. That's right, didn't take a single shower this whole weekend. I thought about doing it after waking from my nap at 6:15pm today, but then felt that was kind of pointless.

7) Did my taxes in under 10 minutes and am getting a hefty refund. Wikus chided me for letting the government have an interest-free loan on my money. I totally understand the point, but psychologically, I enjoy getting a lot of money once a year. I realize it is MY money and I could have had it in an interest-bearing account, but that just doesn't seem as fun to me. It's stupid, I know. Also, I learned that most of my friends have way more diverse financial situations and have CPAs. The Boy does, and I don't get involved in his taxes (always one extension filed, sometimes two). I never moan about taxes, since mine are so damn simple.

8) Wikus brought over Inglourios Basterds, which was a great Sunday night romp. I suspect some revisionist writing, but it was far more entertaining than what the writers of The Tudors have been churning out for us.

9) Consumed tons of allergy medication. More than will ever be good for my liver. At autopsy, it will be concluded that I did not die from allergies but from poisoning my liver as a really slow suicide. Here's to you Benadryl, Allegra, Zyrtec, Aleve, Celexa, iron and vitamin C pills! I love each and everyone one of you; especially you, iron pill, for making my poos green.

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