19 January 2010

Three-Day Weekend With Inconsistent Internet Connection

Apparently, last Thursday, there was one hell of a thunderstorm. I say apparently because I somehow slept through it, which surprised The Boy, who claims I normally cry during storms. Cry is our word for being a totally whining baby. There are no tears shed during these times (unless you consider allergy tears which are more like goo than drops). I have been feeling particularly hellish lately, a combination of allergies and the Orange Lover's death have left me in a state of torpidity that is bottomless in its darkness (hello melodrama). The Boy tells me that a bomb basically went off in the backyard, and I didn't even whimper. Everyone was talking about it the next day. I chose not to say anything, since it would only seem like bragging that I can sleep through some monstrous storm.

Unfortunately, when ever we get a major precipitation event, our internet stops working. We've had problems with our internet pretty much from day one. We have called SBC/AT&T so many times, that we can practically repeat their troubleshooting speech right along with them. Yes, my phone is plugged in with DSL filters! Yes, we have checked the line and believe it or not, I'm actually calling you from it, so eat me. No, we did not melt the router and throw it out and hoped the wireless would still work because we deeply believe in magic. Every single time we go through the rigmarole where SBC/AT&T insist it is inside the house or that we did something wrong, when we can clearly see that the wire to the D-mark is practically on the ground outside. In the end, they'll send out a contractor who will say how fucked up the outside wiring is, and that we have water in the lines.

This time around we don't even have a phone signal. I went online to report the problem, since I'm so loathe to talk to customer service (every time one of us calls, they act like it is our first time, and are just SHOCKED when we say this is our 53rd problem over 6 years because they just have NO RECORD of us ever having any work done on our line). Reporting online was relatively simple, other than they wanted me, the customer, to go through some troubleshooting before they'd send someone out to my home. Normal stuff like make sure my phone is working, various things are plugged in, etc. Whatever, I do that before reporting because I have pride. However, a new thing with a nice little diagram to help me: They wanted me to go outside to the AT&T box, and do various things inside there to "reset" the system and see if that would work. Who knew that my AT&T bill covered not only service charges but for me to pay them to have me do their work for them! Awesome.

I totally ignored that section and went straight to requesting service. This was on Sunday. They can't provide someone until Thursday. Motherfuckers. Where's my discount? Where's my paycheck for doing their work myself?

I have researched switching to cable broadband many times, but there is some procrastinating going on in the house that does not involve me. All I can do is keep providing the information and hope that something changes one day. Maybe after we get the hardwood floors installed (fingers crossed that it happens between 2/21-2/27). I have a router waiting and just need to switch our service. One day.

In the meantime, I'll just keep saying, "AT&T can fuck off and die."

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