26 June 2010

Twit and Her Missing Dollars

SCENE: Friday morning at the office. Twit looking at her electronic pay stub.

Twit: I think there's something wrong with my paycheck!

Grumples: Hmmmm? (Feigns interest by quickly glancing over at Twit)

Twit: I think something is wrong with my benefits.  I'm only supposed to be paying $90 for the baby.  It went from $900 to $600 in two weeks!

Grumples: Well, you did code half your time sheet as "leave without pay."

Twit: No I didn't!
Grumples (with glee): Yes, here is your timesheet and the report that you verified was correct before the time was officially submitted.

Twit: Oh.

Grumples: (Big smile and direct eye contact)

Twit: Oh, see how the LWP code is right next to the "regular" code?  I guess I got off a line.  

Grumples: Ooom, hmmmm.  You verified the report.

Twit: You put me in a rush to check over the report.  I only had ten minutes.

Grumples: You coded your own timesheet.

Twit: I mean, I know it is my fault, but I guess when I was hurried in to checking the report I must have looked over my time.

Grumples: ...

Twit (near tears): Who should I talk to about getting this fixed?

Grumples: I'll handle it.

[Thus another round of making fun of Twit begins as me and HR do stupid work to get her a check cut--sadly, oh so sadly, we won't be able to get a check cut for her until Monday.  We all agree that it is very classy of her to try to blame me for rushing her through her own bi-weekly job.  Poor thing.]

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