14 July 2010

Can Tubal Ligation Cause Deafness?

Per my serious masochistic streak, I once again am watching a horrific movie.  There are countless reasons why I do this, but right now, I'll just say it is good background noise.  I'm not going to admit what it is.  However, I will report anything worth mentioning for eye-rolling amusement.  Okay, 30 minutes later, it is way too much for me to report on this movie.  I'm ashamed that I am watching it.

Kittens Update
  1. P1 keeps pooing in the bathroom sink.  Thus creating a new house rule: Check the bathroom sink before guests are allowed through our door.  We agree there are worse places for him to poo, but still, it is not a good sight when you go in to brush your teeth.
  2. Yes, the kittens did chew through Wii wire; as well as, a strap on some high heels, a cord to the answering machine (The Boy is old-school and must screen his calls).  Due to technology actually sometimes making life worse, the phones will not work unless the base unit/answering machine works.  We do not have an unlimited cellphone plan.
  3. P1 is still suckling P2, and often falls asleep mid-suckle.
  4. They have become small cats who have yet to grow in to their ears.
  5. The Boy thinks that the kittens voices sound like Lisa and Bart Simpson asking "Are we there yet?"  I can only trust him on this because since my surgery, I seem to have lost some hearing.  Who knew that my Fallopian tubes were a direct route to my ears.

Speaking of my surgery, I swear I will give a detailed account at some point.  Maybe this weekend.  I don't know.  I'm so tired.  I feel I may have gone back to work a day too early.  My abdomen hurts and it is either appendicitis or constipation.  Of course it is the latter due to the painkillers, but it is nice to think about getting an extra week off from work even if is at the cost of second surgery within one week.  It would be a Grumple's family tradition (or at least a second occurence to at least indicate the chance of it being a tradition). My sister broke her arm and had appendicitis in the same week.  When her arm was broken, she was with a group of people (including me), and we all thought she was saying she broke her nail.  To be fair, she was very enamoured of her nails.  For an 11-year-old girl, she really was too into her nails.

Another thought is my right ovary has exploded with glee.  Why it would be happier than the left, I don't know.  Really, I would think my uterus would be the most excited.  Maybe the right ovary is throwing a celebratory surprise party, and just can't keep its anxious anticipation in check.  Maybe my left ovary is as lazy as I am, and is thinking of the excuses he can use for skipping the event.

Note to self: Exploding Ovaries will make a good band name.

Anyway.  Yes.  My brain is still soaking in the painkiller gravy.  I cannot grasp things.  Like calendars.  I sat for a full five minutes this morning freaking out at work that my email only went to July 14th.  Pulling my hair and running up and down the hall screaming, "What happened to all my emails!"  When I finally calmed down and really thought about it, I realized today was July 14th.  So it goes.

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