20 July 2010

The Elevator Ass Rail

A few minutes ago, I was standing awkwardly with a white-haired middle-aged man who had a "visitor" sticker stuck to his shirt.  He remarked that my outfit was quite colorful, and I said, "Thank you," and leaned my ass against the rail that wraps around the interior of the elevator.  While studiously looking blankly at nothing, I started thinking about how that rail is at the perfect height for my ass to not only lean against it, but be propped up by it.  Just think how many other asses are doing the same as mine does when in the elevator.  I am acutely uncomfortable if I have to stand in the middle of the elevator.  It's not claustrophobic, it is just where the fuck am I supposed to lean?  Who said I had to support my own frame when at work?  I'm so thankful our elevator has an ass-railing.

 Now I must return to playing Words With Friends.  Yes, I have been sucked in by the evil dark side, and I have an iPhone.  Not the 4 (I couldn't wait...I bought the new phone on Sunday, the exact day my contract was up with my old phone).  I really can't keep my hands off of it.  I created my own case for it at getuncommon, and I should have it by tomorrow (it is of the grackles on the wires at the top of my blog--or at least the 2nd quadrant of it).  I've also been busy creating ringtones.  The Boy's is a snippet from TV Party by Black Flag.  He is extremely pleased.  For my everyday ringtone, I am using the Alloy Orchestra's Yoshiwara (From "Metropolis").

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