26 July 2010

Is There An Office Bathroom Etiquette Class?

P2 just ate a super-tiny click bug.  Poor bug.  It was awesome watching him catch it.  He lost it for a bit under the couch.  I tried to film it, but it's dark under that couch, and there was no time to rig appropriate lighting.  P2 took that sucker down in less than two minutes.  I'm so proud of him.  And sad for the bug, of course.  Now he is giving P1 a good head-licking.  Ah, my domestic life.

For weeks now, we've had flares of heavy rains.  Today a huge storm hit right over my office.  I made the poor choice of leaving right before a huge clap of thunder and zip of lightning took out the downtown intersection lights.  When Texans stumble upon this situation, they panic.  One of two things will inevitably happen: freeze at the stop and refuse to move while looking about helplessly, or act like the lights are actually working and it is conveniently green.  Sadly I was forced to experience both.  Came within seconds of being T-boned by some asshole who went with the latter option.  He was going so fast, I actually had to look sideways to see if his light actually was green (how fucked up would that be if my lights were out but the cross-traffic lights were working?).

I safely made it home to watch last night's Mad Men with The Boy before he had to run out for rehearsal.  I'm going to keep my thoughts to myself for the time being regarding the episode.  I think I always have a third season slump with shows.  We'll see.

Is it wrong of me to hold the kittens' food over their heads so they could meow and meow and meow up at me?  It is just so adorable.  Their mouthes all bright pink with their tiny pointy white teeth.  They harmonize with each other so well that I want to hear it for a bit longer than necessary.  Bad mom!

My office is holding a "Cube Etiquette" session.  Should I attend? They want to focus on phone etiquette, respecting your neighbor, respecting cubicle space and respecting personal space.  I don't even have walls at my desk.  I'm just a desk at the end of a hallway.  With a window that looks out in to the entrance to the parking garage.  I'm going nowhere fast.  I would prefer they held a class that taught coworkers to mind their own business and to stop coming to me for reports on how Twit is doing.  I have no idea!  None.  Why would they think I know?  I've been working for 20 years (fuck I'm old), and I do not know the personal health of the people I worked with.  There's been a few rare exceptions where I have become especially close with a coworker (like Amazon); even then, it's not like I would divulge to another coworker my friend's personal business.  Geez.  I'm all about gossiping but not in the middle of an open space with people I barely know.  

Off to read Catching Fire for the rest of the evening (like the next hour or so).  I will ponder if I will attend the Cube Etiquette session.  I'm so torn.  Ho hum.

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