25 July 2010

A Not-So-Simple Matter of Respect

The strange pain in my mouth has migrated from the bottom right molars to my bottom left molars.  Tori or infection?  I did have a slight fever on Thursday when I was at my post-op appointment (those people are very serious about weight, blood pressure and temperature each and every time).  My temperature is usually around 97.8, and it was something like 99.2.  Nothing one can get out of work for.  I'm going to suffer with this pain a bit longer before I give up and go to the dentist.

Some sad news greeted me today.  Not personally sad, just sad in that sad things happen in the world.  My friend KSU was driving back to Dallas last night and hit a deer.  It was a small deer, probably an adolescent.  It didn't do much damage to the car, and KSU was not hurt; however, the deer was not dead.  I just can't imagine this moment for KSU.  I fear this moment.  I hate driving at night, especially in places like around Amazon's neighborhood, because there are deer everywhere.  I don't blame the deer--we're totally encroaching on their land and they end up around roads and houses.  Hitting a deer can seriously damage a car, and cause serious harm to the driver and passengers, and obviously the deer.  So there he is, a herd of them running across the road; he does his best to come to a careening stop, and smacks in to the last one.  And it is alive.  And injured.  KSU broke its neck.  An amazing act that I have no idea if I could do myself.  Even though I believe it is the absolute correct thing to do.  I admire him.  I think he is brave. 

Yet, when he wrote about this on Facebook, some people were more interested in the meat.  Not KSU and the deer, and that happened to both of them.  Just, what did you do with the meat.  I'm sure some of them were joking, making light of a grim situation.  It just struck a nerve in me.  I say this as an outright hypocrite--I eat meat, I love meat, it's tasty and makes me feel good when I eat it 1-2 times per week.  My initial reaction was that I would never eat the meat of an animal I just brutally murdered in its own habitat with my car.  I was worried for my friend and how he was doing, and if his car was okay (he needs his car).  I was sad for the deer.  I was sad for KSU.  I was sad that these things happen.

Then I thought about how most animals are killed to provide us our food.  Is it any less dreadful for them to live all packed together, constantly stepping in shit and smelling the fear rising off of every animal?  It all makes me queasy, because what happened last night was more humane than how the meat industry treats most animals.  So maybe the question of salvaging something of the deer is the proper thing to do.  Maybe even a symbolic gesture of apology.  That the deer's life was not to become roadkill.  That its use in life can be used a bit longer.

I don't know if anything is right or wrong here.  I still don't feel it was the appropriate thing to discuss immediately.  Yet, it may still be a valid question.

After mulling this over, I did the most rational thing and went to the grocery store, because nothing lifts one's spirits like being forced to be in close quarters with people who don't understand proper cart etiquette.  Some bitch honked at me for letting two pedestrians walk in front of my car in single file.  She was in an SUV and should have easily seen over my car that I wasn't sitting there playing Words With Friends (I did that after I parked).  Maybe she really did want me to run down those people.  Maybe she was in a hurry to get the organic water that was displayed in the entry of the store.  That's right, my store sells organic water.  None of that artificial manufactured water.  Most stores sell water that is closer to polyester than what we get out of our wells and rivers.  Maybe she was just hoping that I would hit the pedestrians so she could pick their carcasses up and store them in the deep freezer for a nice winter-long treat. 

Sadly I did not take a picture of this.  I did take a picture of my grocery list that I brought with me after I realized that it was really annoying to hold it and my phone.  I'm like the smartest person ever, right?

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